🌌🀄️[:] Prologue [:]🀄️🌌

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The world was a place of war and destruction, a place with no peace or stability. This war destroyed everything and anyone in its path, it was horrid. Dead body's found almost every other day. Either rotting from the sun or decomposing in whatever's left of drinkable water sources.

This war was among, Shifters, Orc's, elf's, and humans, but it was doing a lot of damage. Any food they had, they had to have stolen it or even kill someone...

There was barely any food or water for any of the four kinds. This only made things worst as it drove them to low choices only a heartless monster would go to. But it was all to survive the harsh conditions. The Fighting and brutality only caused harm to them and the animals.

It was kill or be killed, nothing more. The forest all burned and villages lied in ruin. There were only camps and war zones. And those weren't doing so good either...

But this all changed when a single elf casted a relic with his own two hands. The relic was made to keep barriers between species and divide them. North, East, South, and West.

The elf's stayed in the East where Tree's stayed green all year round.

Shifters stayed in the North for the winds and fishing.

Humans stayed to the South as there was more seeds and plants of all kind.

Orc's stayed in the West to have more room for their camps and mate brawls.

This relic was given powers to by the gods so only his blood line could use it. Though there was a curse put upon it...

If anyone were to ever steal the relic, the barriers would fall and would not be able to protect anyone...

•{[]}: 5,000 years later :{[]}•

5,000 years later after the 'Thousand year species War' everything was replenished. And all was well, that was until a week back when a dragon stole the relic. This caused panic among the elves because if the relic was gone and in the wrong hands, the barriers would fall.

The elven leaders knew this panic would soon spread if nothing was done about it. A meeting was called of the great elders, which included your grandmother. Right now they were sitting in a room preparing to make a decision on what they could do.

"Why the hell are we just sitting here? We should be getting ready to fight to get it back!" Elder Sater said, as she had an annoyed look. "And neither will whining like a child!" Your grandmother snapped at her, giving her a look as if Sater was a child on punishment.

The two women practically growled at each other before the other three council members calmed them. "We mustn't act like this right now...we need to send our best to get it back. Someone who's never been caught on their missions even if they were close. Someone....Like (Y/N)..." head council Tomayo said.

This made your grandmother snap at him, "Excuse me? I'm not letting my grandbaby, be endangered because the guards who were supposed to be on watch were asleep!" She hissed, glaring at the two guards who were in the room.

They shrank behind Tomayo and whimper even though the old woman was an omega and they were alphas. She was a scary woman. All the other council members had to agree with this undeniable fact.

"Look I know you don't want to Ms. (L/N), but your grand-daughter is the only one who has such skills. She's the only one who can get it back..." this made your grandmother look down and frown, you were her only family left. She couldn't loose you.

But before she could refuse, you step up behind her, "It's alright Granny, I'll be fine" you smile. She sighs and nods, "Fine then, she will go on the mission but she is to have all permission to kill someone if it is a must.." your grandmother said. She glared at the other council members, as they all took a moment before nodding.

You smile and run back to your hut to get ready....

After you pack a bag you were ready to leave and your grandmother was by the door waiting with a sad smile. You smile back, "I'll be alright granny, I promise.."

She sighs and opens her arms, "You better keep that damned promise.." you smile and hug her tightly. You two shared this hug for quite a bit before pulling apart and now, you were off.


It was now a week later, the shifters kingdom was very far, but you made it. You kept walking for days and at night you would rest under a tree. Now you were sneaking past the guards in broad daylight, right under their noses as a maid.

You had to knock a poor maiden out but it was best. Anyways-

You slowly made your way until a sudden explosion was heard and an entire wing fell down. Now this was either going to make your mission more easy or more difficult...

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