The great Asriel | MR x SS Chara | part 2 (Lemon🍋)

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e/n: Its the middle of the night so it could be a bit bad

As you walk down the path you a box and you open it just to find nothing inside of it so you just kept walking down the path

you saw Chara and Asriel talking

SS Asriel: Chara this no joking matter I need to find a human

SS Chara: Hey Asriel look over there

Asriel looks to her side and sees you standing on the pathway looking confused at them


Asriel runs off into the snowy forest and goes out of line of sight

SS Chara: it seems like he's already having a lot of fun, thanks

y/n: no problem

y/n says while having no emotion on his face, Chara doesnt question it but she feels its a bit odd but just ignores it

as she just stands there leaning against the trees

when you walk past her and you turn around to look at her she is gone but you just ignore it since you've seen even stranger things

e/n: I swear if you dont get the joke

As you walk down the pathway and see Chara standing beside a frozen lake of ice

SS Chara: hey he's gonna battle you sometime so just to tell you Blue means stop moving and you wont get hurt and orange means move got it?

y/n: got it

y/n's flicker black and normal again then she disapears out of thin air infront of you but you dont care

as you walk down the path you stumble upon Asriel and Chara and a weird looking patch of snow

SS Asriel: Human lets see if you can get past this trap!

y/n takes a step and Asriel gets electricuted with a small amount of shock


SS Chara: maybe give hin the orb?

SS Asriel: oh yeah

Asriel walks the path revealing the path way by making foot prints on the weird looking snoe on the ground

You hold the orb and you walk throigh the puzzle fairly easy and swiftly get past


Asriel runs off to the next trap he has setup

SS Chara: heh he's having way too much fun but I cant stop him and thanks again

y/n: no problem

You say without emotion again and Chara is starting to think something is wrong with you

SS Chara: hey why do you never smile?

y/n: what?

SS Chara: I've never seen you smile

y/n: I dont know what you mean by smile

SS Chara: Is he okay, is he mentally insane or is he just so broken he's emotionless?

y/n: you okay?

SS Chara: y-yeah just zoned out

y/n: oh ok

Chara disapears again and you just carry on and you find a word search but you just leave it there and keep walking down the snowy path

and you find buttons and you made the 2 buttons the same and the spikes dropped down

storyshifted | Male Reader x Storyshift Chara Where stories live. Discover now