Waterfall | MR x SS Chara | part 3

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e/n: I'll be stop working on this for a while and just focus on other stories and then when I feel like it I can continue

Chara wakes up to see that y/n is still asleep

she gets up and puts on her jacket

She walks down stairs to see that Asriel fell asleep on the couch and she remembered Asriel is a heavy sleeper so she doesnt have to be super quiet

She walks to the kitchen to see that everything is clean and the fridge has a lot os lasanga in it but Chara just just mkae herself a Nutalla sandwich

e/n: Yes I know I spelt it wrong okay, Its just the knock off version of Nutella that the monsters have made but the same taste

Chara walks back up to her room to find y/n still asleep on her bed with messy hair and a cute expression on his face

s. Chara: Gosh dang he's cute

Chara blushes at the sight of your cute expression and just keeps eating her Nutalla snadwich

Chara finishes eating decides to snuggle with you a bit more since its early at 6:34 in the morning

She gets in bed and snuggles with you but blushes when she remembers what they both did last night in bed

e/n: well I guess you can they played Bed Wars with no devices last night

Chara falls asleep again and wakes up in a dream where everything looks normal but she is in the body of y/n

as She looks around she finds herself in the house and she heads down stairs to see herself watching tv with Asriel

She tries to get their attention but didnt respond and rsalkzed that the tv is frozen and it seems to be that everything is frozen and only She can interact eith things

Chara walks outside and falls down a big pit and sees a bed of golden flowers at the bottom and she falls closer to it she spots a flower with a face

Chara woke up to see she's back in her body and she is breathing heavily out of her mouth and looks beside her to see that y/n is still asleep

s.Chara: Guess he is very tired from last night and I mean I cant blame him we stayed up until 2 Am and thats would explain why Asriel is tired aswell

She looks at the time to see that its still 6:54 in the morning and decides to back to bed and hugs y/n tightly before she drifts back asleep knowing that she is safe with you

you wake up and look around to see that Chara us still asleep and not letting you go since her arms are trapping you from moving and you just decide to go back to sleep again since your still tired from what you two did last night and you recall yourself and her doing it at
1-2 Am or somewhere near that time

When you wake you see Chara gone and you slowly sit up and you look around and stretch your arm before rubbing your eyes and getting up

as you walk out her room and you walk downstairs to see Asriel and Chara watching tv and as you try to get their attention but they just dont move

you realise everything is frozen and you can still interact with stuff and move objects and everything else

you pinch yourself to see if your in a dream but you felt the pain so you thought it cant be a dream but the second you took a step everything started to move again

Asriel and Chara just noticed you were standing beside them and greeted you, you just thought you were imagining scenarios in your head

e/n: dont lie bro, I know you had that moment in you were in the shower and thought of a non existant arguement where you just roast everyone and just your shampoo bottles cheering for you

storyshifted | Male Reader x Storyshift Chara Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora