Multiverse | MR x SS Chara | part 8

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y/n is at home on the couch cuddling with Chara and they watch tv as they scroll through the channels on the tv and something catches their eyes on the news and they see Asgore finally made a prototype machine that could transport the user to different universes

They both get up and they had to get their hands on one but they saw it costed 50k gold and as all hope was lost they saw Asgore was giving one away if they're able to get over 9000 on this punching machine

y/n and Chara had their doubts that they could punch that hard and they thought of quiting trying to get revenge but they were   D E T E R M I N E D   to get their sweet sweet revenge on that person that looked like Sans

S.Chara: That's like almost impossible!

y/n: We have to though

S.Chara: Yeah you're right

Chara teleported the both of them to Asgores lab and they walk in to see Asgore standing there trying his best to make the prototype better

S.Asgore: A-Ah you 2 are finally here

S.Asgore: King Sans imformed me of what happened so he owes you 2 a favor and he decided to give you 2 a prototype for free

y/n: REALLY!

S.Asgore: You did save the king so it's the least thing he could do for you 2 for saving him

S.Chara: T-Thanks

Chara was shocked to see that thwy got it for free and as they stood there bamboozled King Sans walked in through with a warm welcome smile on his face

S.Asgore: A-Ah you're majesty

S.Sans: Heheh don't need to be so formal

S.Sans: Just wanted to say thank you for saving me

y/n: I-It was no problem

S.Chara: You can count on us if you need it

S.Sans: I can give you 2 a job offer as a high ranking Royal Guard

S.Sans: I would love to see you 2 protecting others

y/n: Psst Chara should we take it?

S.Chara: If you join I'll join then

y/n: You got a deal

S.Sans: Meet me at my throne room tomorrow afternoon

S.Chara: Yes sir

Sans walks back into the elevator and headed back to his throne room and sat down in the small patch of gold yellow flowers

Back with y/n and Chara

The both of them walk home with their brand new timeline traveling portable machine and as they walk in their house they quickly hide it as Asriel was there and they walk to Chara's room slowly and silently as Asriel's asleep on the couch

they lock the door and they power on the machine to see it had created a portal and they see it can also turn into a wrist watch and as y/n touch the portal he gets stopped by Chara

S.Chara: Don't go in alone

S.Chara: We should go in at the same time

y/n: Alright

y/n: 3... 2... 1... go!

The both of them run in and they see they arrived in a place that seemed familiar to them and they saw it was Snowdin but there was yellow flowers everywhere

y/n: Where are we?

S.Chara: I... don't know

They both wander around the place together before they see...

Another y/n? He seems like the exact same and they're both wearing the same thing and both looked at each other in confusion wondering why there were 2 of them

y/n (Both): Huh? Why there 2 of me? Hey! Stop copying me! Says you! You're copying me!

Chara looks beside her to see Frisk but has flowers in her eyes which makes Chara jump a bit

S.Chara: Ah!

???: Oh sorry did my apearence scare you?

S.Chara: Yeah

???:My name is


Frisk: Well Flowertale Frisk

S.Chara: Nice to meet you Frisk, well I already knew your name since I know about there's multiple universes

F.Frisk: Yeah I know about it aswell but our y/n's seem to be having a fight

S.Chara: We should stop them before things get really out of hand

F.Frisk: Yeah you're right

S.Chara pulls S.y/n back and F.Frisk pulls her F.y/n back aswell to stop them from agruing any further and before things get out of their hands

S.y/n: Why are there 2 of me!?

F.y/n: I thought there were only 1 of me!???

S.Chara and F.Frisk explains it to the both of them as they understand the multiverse thing better than they do

S.y/n: Okay I understand now

F.y/n: Heheh sorry for arguing with you

S.y/n: It's alright

e/n: It's starting to get confusing now so I hope you still understand

The both if them forgive each other and F.y/n invites them to his house as it's a more friendlier way to greet someone new

Everyone arrives at his house and F.y/n gets them a cup of warm chocolate with marshmellos inside of it

F.Frisk: Hey y/n

F.y/n: Yeah?

S.y/n: Yeah?

They both said at the same time

F.Frisk: I mean my y/n, sorry I'm not used to this

F.y/n: What is it?

F.Frisk: You knew about multiverses then how were you suprised to see another you from another universe?

F.y/n: Well I thought I was the only one across universes

F.Frisk: Well maybe therecould be more of you

F.y/n: Well that is true

The Storyshift two decided they stayed here long enough as they were home sick and they created a portal back to their universe and they arrived back in Chara's room and they walked out and goes downstairs to see Asriel asleep on the couch

y/n was also dead tired so he ran back to his room and layed on the bed like a pig rolling in mud and he fell asleep he felt like a heavy cinderblock as his body was feeling tired from jumping in that portal as it seems to take a lot of energy and Chara was also dead tired so she snuggled up with y/n and fell asleep

e/n: Well that took a while to make as I'm busy from High School

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 04 ⏰

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storyshifted | Male Reader x Storyshift Chara Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang