Unknown visitor | MR x SS Chara | Part 6.5

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Chara is hanging out with his brother walking through the forest near snowdin and as they walk deeper, Asriel makes a snowman and is looking for rocks and meanwhile Chara is just wandering nearby making sure not to walk too far, in the distance she sees y/n but different and doesn't look like him

She walks up to him asking what he's doing here

Chara: What are you doing here?

y/n?: Oh uh just something?

Chara: Aaaannd what's something?

y/n? sighs

y/n?: May seem a bit weird but I can jump between alternate universes and I'm a y/n from a different universe so I'm not your y/n and the reason for me hopping around universes is because I'm trying to find a place to call home

Charas mind emplodes mentally (she knows about AUs) but she realised theres a infinite amount of y/ns across timelines and universes

y/n?: Well I better go

He makes a glitch portal and walks throught it before dissapearing

e/n: This is the end and this could be a hint to a secret story in the future ;)

storyshifted | Male Reader x Storyshift Chara Where stories live. Discover now