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August 24th, 2020.
Oxford, UK.

Alexandra POV

It's been about five years now, five years since my life had changed forever. Five years of helping Isaac with raising Isabella and also three years of being a mama myself.

Isabella has truly been the best older cousin to her younger cousin Tatum. Isaac has also been very helpful with both girls, and got a new job so he could be more around for Isabella's sake.

We both knew that the first few years would be rough on all of us, but especially Isabella. Isabella understand what happened, and says that she misses her mama a lot.

She also surprisingly completely understood the whole afterlife story. She would cry occasionally, but then would remember all the fun times.

She begged me to tell her some stories as well, so I told her some. She found them hilarious and loved how chaotic we were.

The one thing that got me was when she asked me, "Auntie will I ever meet my chaotic best friend?".

I mean yeah Leighton and I were chaotic, but not as chaotic as Lizzie and I were.

I told her that when the universe is ready for that level of chaos they'll send her the right chaotic friend.

She laughed at that and said that she cannot wait for that friend to be in her life.

Isabella is a very smart little girl, she definitely got that from Leighton. She got offered a spot at a nice private school here in Oxford, yeah we moved.

Well we technically just relocated, as it was much needed. I was offered to run my uncles one business here, the school and it was just easier I guess.

We'll occasionally drive back to Stretford to visit the family, but she finds it hard to go anywhere that has reminders of her mama.

It breaks my heart to see her upset when we're back home, but when we're here she's smiling, she's happier here.

But I think my favourite smile, my favourite reason why she smiled so widely was the day that I told her we were being flown to Los Angeles.

My uncle couldn't fly out to check on his Los Angeles location and had offered to fly Mac also out to the New York City one.

And well let's just say that trip back to Los Angeles was quite interesting and fun.

Slightly chaotic, but still fun. Isaac was completely fine with me taking her, he knew she needed this and was safe with Tatum and I.

. . .

May 7th, 2019

"Isabella, are you ready to go?", I ask as I walk past her room while carrying some of Tatum's things.

"Yeah Auntie, just grabbing my one thing", she says and I just stood there for a moment.

"Grabbing what princess?", I ask and she giggles as she walks out.

"Mama wanted me to give this to Uncle Clay, but I forgot last time we saw him. I just found it the other day and knew that I had to bring it", she says as she holds this cute little photo album.

"What is this Isa?", I ask her and she smiled.

"I don't know honestly, I never went through it. Mama told me not to and to just give it Uncle Clay. I never have looked at it... I wanted to, but I knew that Mama was watching me so I didn't ever dare.", she says and I laughed a little.

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