1.2 The Invitation

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The sun was creeping through the trees and my window into my room, which made it look dustier than usual. I was wondering what made me wake up this early, since it was only 7am, until I realized it was to a familiar voice: Fishy.

"Lucas, could you please wake up since I finally made breakfast", Fishy asked me. I would usually be pretty grumpy if someone woke me up this early but I guess it's fine since it's Fishy. I thought that it might be better if I told him about last night's events.

I would have thought that he would have questioned the things I told him but he didn't really think much of it. The only thing he told me was that this could be a good opportunity to meet new people and make friends since I don't have any anymore.

I trusted that Fishy's opinion would be the best even though everything he knows has been taught by my mother. I mean she is a smart woman but I wouldn't trust everything she says. It's kinda weird how Fishy's smarter than me even though he was created only 1 ½ years ago. It's even weirder how my mother somehow created a living thing with its own consciousness, and not like how she got me. I would rather not ask since the lengths my mom would go to are beyond my imagination. She is kind of a wild card.

Time went by quite quickly. It's not like I did anything special for it to feel like that other than some of my school work. It was almost 8pm which didn't mean I would be in a hurry though since the place was pretty close to where I lived.

I didn't tell anyone that I left which may have been a mistake but I'm sure that Fishy can connect the dots and realize that I already left. I atleast hope he does and doesn't get super worried.

I may have misunderstood the time it would take me to go there. It could just be because of how dark it already is but I didn't remember there being this many bushes and other plants on the way there. If it wasn't for my night vision I probably couldn't have seen where I was heading to. I'm pretty sure it had just rained as well so i might as well say bye bye to my beautifully clean clothes that I picked for this special event.

After walking, or at least trying to without stumbling across every other root and plant that came my way, I saw a plain area ahead of me with some light coming from it which was probably the destination. After jumping over the final bush and arriving at the place I was met with a not so welcome greeting.

"Watch out, it's a demon!" A tall person with long white hair called out while taking their sword and almost slicing my neck with it.

"Wait, I don't think it's dangerous!" A young and short brunette woman with hair up in two buns noted trying to stop the other person but also making it sound like I'm some kind of animal. "Their aura isn't bad... well it's not good either but I doubt it's trying to hurt us".

"How can you be so sure? This is the island known for their ridiculous amount of really bad demons", they said back

"But what if he's a part of our group", she tried convincing the other person for one last time.

"Well is he?"

I nodded while still keeping a blank impression. I was sure I wouldn't see the light of day anymore but our tragic incident got interrupted by another one of those spider-like robots that also appeared in my room last night. It lit up almost immediately.

"May we get started or would you like to continue this drama" the same voice from the invitation recording said. After a moment of silence she continued "It seems like there is one missing person but we shall start without them".

There were 4 others with me here. The one who wanted to kill me, the brunette and two others who seemed similar to each other but also not. The other one had blonde hair, dark horns but not the ones demons would have and some symbols in their skin that made it seem like they were cursed. The second silent person had silver hair with knight-like armor and dark wings that were a similar shape of an angel, this person also carried a scythe with purple highlights.

"So as you know I gathered you all here to save the upcoming end of the world and you may have wondered 'how do I know this' well the answer is that I'm a time traveler or more like I can travel anywhere across any timeline at any point", the not as mystery person introduced themselves a bit better.

A time traveler? Wouldn't that be kinda dangerous to share since many yearn for a way to do so too. But still why me? If someone possesses a power so powerful why couldn't they do this themselves.

"And now that I've introduced myself I may as well introduce you to each other since i doubt you would have done that",

"So shall I start with you Azari or more detailed, Azari Haven, a half angel who died but soon after got revived by a god for unknown reasons" she introduced the one that tried to murder me first.

"Blossom Dahlia, a flower wielder with the power to see Auras and her lover Flynn Faramir, who was framed for a murder but managed to run away and now lives as a hunter with their new family", then she introduced the nicer girl who probably saved my life and the quiet one with wings.

"Then Shadow B, a former demon who would be summoned with rituals but he has gotten his powers taken away and has been given a curse, that makes it basically impossible to retrieve these powers, due to breaking a rule", she continued with the other quiet one. My assumptions of him were almost correct.

"And last but not least: Lucas Andersson, son of ⊑", she ended the introduction. I doubt the others knowing about my family won't make our relationship any better since my father has probably the worst reputation out of all the demons in this world.

"I knew he wasn't anything good! Azari lashed out and almost murdered me before freezing while at it.

"Now now we don't want to be violent do we?" She chuckled after probably using some kind of magic to freeze them.

The rest of the evening went with us getting to know each other better even though it was just Blossom telling about her family and Shadow interviewing others about their powers while barely telling anything about their own. I was mostly quiet.

It was quite relieving getting to finally leave and go home and cuddle with Fishy until you fall asleep. It probably took me twice as long to walk home than it took to go to that other place.

"Fishyyy I'm so tired come sleep with me", I whined as I finally got home.

"Oh I'm sorry I may not be able to come today", he apologized, his warm and welcoming smile turned into a small frown.

"Please I'll do anything", I pretty much begged at this point.

Fishy ended up giving up and told me he still needed to do some basic chores and even though I was barely still awake I still helped him. I pretty much had to do this if I wanted to have a good night's sleep. I don't want this because of any romantic or sexual reason. I'm pretty sure fishy's just really comforting.

"Well how did your trip go?" He asked me with a curious tone while tilting his head to the side.

"Ehh could have been better, almost got murdered twice but I'd say they were pretty decent people", I answered honestly.

"Oh no why's that", he frowned at me.

Then I basically had to explain to him how demons aren't really treated with positivity here or anywhere. He also asked if I got to meet the one that actually invited us but my answer was negative.

It didn't take long for us to finish and finally be able to go to sleep. If it wasn't obvious already, I really like sleeping with Fishy. Mostly because he's surprisingly good at cuddling and for that I was already quick to fall asleep.

It's weird how someone can be this nice to me. Even more since he's my mother's creation and because of that you would probably think that Fishy would have been taught to hate me or something. What if this is all a part of her plan to murder me. That would probably be pretty unrealistic though since Fishy is quite weak and even if Dawn or A wanted me dead they could easily do it themselves.

What happened last night. I barely remember anything and from what I do I think I was in someone's house. It looked like a cellar. Had I been kidnapped? There was also a really uncomfortable looking bed in the corner of the room and the only window I could see was completely dark either signaling that it was night or that it was being blocked by something. I also remember there being two people with me and they were interrogating me about something. "Where's the time machine!" A dragonboy with flame-like hair and a mostly red color scheme basically yelled at my face. The other person was a skeleton who was threatening me with what looked to be a dirty fork.

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