1.8 Fishy My Love

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I'm here again. How long has it been since the last time? Eh for me it was probably just a year but here? Maybe a decade or two. No, probably even more than that. Time isn't what I'm supposed to be wondering right now, I need to remember, enter - do my job - leave.

I stood up from the bed of this unfamiliar room decorated in the colors of red and blue. After taking a couple steps on this creaky floor that was barely even walkable due to the mess of multiple unidentifiable items on it, I noticed a mirror on the desktop next to me in this narrow room someone would call their bedroom. Was that me on the reflection? Is it just me or do I look a bit different. No this isn't me.

In the reflection stood a lanky blonde boy whose hair was thick and wavy, varying in length, being cut in a kind of a messy or random way. With bangs almost so long that they would cover his eyes and hair next to his face being the length of his torso but the hair on the backside of his head being only to his neck with one part being as long as his side bangs or whatever you would call those. He had bright green eyes and pale skin with two red horns on his head but one being broken. He felt familiar.

GOSH why can't I concentrate, no getting distracted anymore, you don't have much time. That's when I felt another familiar presence in the room with me. But that can't be. There's no one here. And wonderful, I'm not conscious anymore.

As my consciousness hit back in, I felt hazy. Where am I now? In the middle of nowhere apparently. I was sat on an uncomfortable chair with my hands being tied together behind me with an even more uncomfortable rope that was put tightly so that it would very obviously leave scars by how hard it was scratching my skin with its pointy strings. Then the familiar presence appeared once again behind me.

"Look who decided to show up", a male with his deep and spooky voice said, gripping my shoulders and leaning in to talk straight into my ear

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"Look who decided to show up", a male with his deep and spooky voice said, gripping my shoulders and leaning in to talk straight into my ear.

"Who are you and how?" I said my voice becoming a bit shaken from the unexpected turn of events

"Oh? You don't remember me? How hurtful. I thought you would at least remember your one and only love", The male said in a sarcastic tone. "That sounds weird now that you are Lucas and not yourself."

Lucas! That was it. How could I forget him?! Our one and only son. Oh how I remember the good old days when we had fun creating him.

"Oh yeah I killed you, I almost forgot about that", He continued.

"Wait wait wait, Is that you H?" I asked hoping for a positive answer.

"I thought you were gone but now you are here and I feel you're angry at me for some reason I haven't catched onto".

"Oh just why am I angry at you I wonder, perhaps you already have the answers", He hinted towards something that immediately came to my head.

"Oh... OH um please don't do anything too horrible, you know I tried my best"

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