2.1 Beneath The Wrong

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My mind was completely blank. It was dark and cold with a hint of moisture in the air. It smelled of cold rocks. A drip of water occasionally landing onto my head.

I got up from the wet, rock hard floor I was laying on. I looked around to possibly recognize my surroundings but to no avail. What was clear was that I was in a cave. Why does everything spooky and mysterious have to do with caves?

I heard voices. Familiar voices. A high-pitched one combined with another that wasn't certainly deep but at least not as high as the other one's. They must have been somewhere close since I heard one of them call out my name.

"Look MagmaBuddy! It's Lucas!!!!" The high-pitched voice gasped as I heard the clattering of what I thought to be of bones nearing me.

I turned around to see an awfully familiar skeleton boy. I feel like I've met him before but I can't bring up the thought of where. With how boring my life is, you would think that I'd at least remember the people I know. Behind him walked another familiar male, he had fire-ish hair and dragon like features. This must be MagmaBuddy? What a long and unique name. Sounds more like a nickname if anything.

Panic hit me as I was now surrounded by these 'strangers' who acted like we had known for years and were all a part of some big friend group. More was the fact that the redhead was carrying an intimidating sword that I knew he could cut my head off easily if he tried. It was dark red like blood with text similar to one of some ancient runes. I think he called it 'the doom sword'. If I had named it, I would have at least named it 'the sword of doom' to make it at least a bit more fancy.

I think my panicking got a bit too obvious as the skeleton noted something about it.

"Lucas, are you alright? What's wrong? It's us, your best friends, Pertti and MagmaBuddy", Pertti asked. How come we are best friends if I don't even know who you are?

"Who are you? What even is this place? Where am I???" My words almost getting too out of place as my breathing got heavier. I mean how would you expect someone to react in a situation like this.

"Oh about that. We don't know either." MagmaBuddy said bluntly as if this was nothing new to him, "I just thought it would be a fun to go visit my step-brother, Sotu, at Beldenia so I asked Neo if i could drive his boat there but since I may or may not be at least 99% blind, after around 2 hours, Pertti here noted that it was awfully dark outside only for it being midday, so I stopped the boat. Pertti opened the door and stepped outside only to fall a pretty decent way down into this cave system. Now we have just been exploring this place for like the last 30 minutes, wondering where the frick we are. We even lost Balto in our exploring. Neo probably will kill us if he finds out about that".

Who, what, where? None of that made sense. How can someone just explain something so unordinary like it's a mundane experience that happens to one almost daily.

"So, how did you appear here?" MagmaBuddy added.

How did I get here? I hadn't thought of that either before now. I guess I had just woken up here. Maybe someone brought me here? I couldn't have just come here myself, passed out and lost all my memories in the meantime, could I?

"I'm not sure, I just woke up and here I am", I chuckled a bit nervously, trying to not sound as tense as I was.

"Want to come explore the rest of this place with us then?" Pertti squealed like some girl being super excited for something.

"I mean sure, it's not like I have any other plans on what to do",

We walked further into the dark cave, talking about things I'd never even thought about. For example, I was asked what my favorite rock flavor was. Even if our conversations were as fun as they were, I couldn't shake off the feeling of uneasiness. I still barely had any idea who these two were or how they knew me. What was I even doing at the moment?

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