1.5 Just A Dream

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It had been a while since we brought Lucas back home. The sun was already shining through the trees and into his room where I sat next to him, waiting for the blond to hopefully wake up soon. Fortunately the pain of my impatience came to an end as I noticed him effortlessly trying to get up but without success.

"You're awake!" I basically yelled due to the pure shock. It's not that I didn't think he would wake up, it's just that it took him so long and now that it happened... well I hope you understand what I mean. Soon after I realized how not so pleasant for the ears my greeting was and continued being noisy about fairly obvious things. "Are you alright?"

"No," Lucas muttered.

"Oh well I guess that's kinda obvious," I noted

As I continued to ask him some pretty pointless questions a knock could be heard from the front door.

"Oh I'm sorry I gotta go answer that," I apologized for I was going to abandon him for a bit.

"Hey uh mind getting me a pain killer while at it?" He asked which I quickly nodded to as I left the room in a hurry.

While walking the little amount there was I started wondering about the fact that Dawn hadn't told me about there being any visitors for today. It's also very unusual for people to randomly come by. With that I wasn't quite happy about who was actually at the door.

"Hey is Al-" Lucas' father, H was about to ask as a mysterious lightning bolt hit him in the middle of his sentence. How the frick is that possible, the sky is literally cloudless with sunshine. He then continued as if what just happened was a part of his ordinary day. "Oh I am so sorry, but may I come visit Lucas to see how he's doing, I heard about what happened to him."

"No," I replied with a simple yet understandable answer, not believing that only my words would get the message to his head, I also slammed the door right onto his face. 'That should do it'.

I tried to calm myself so I wouldn't be overly hot headed coming back to Lucas. As I had picked the painkiller I was finally able to return but something wasn't right. As I entered the bedroom, I noticed something being off, maybe it was the air. I knew something was different and it irritated me that I didn't know what. Maybe it was best if I just ignored it for now.

"Are you alright?" Lucas asked me, with a shaky voice, noticing that something was bothering me. Either he's really good at reading people or I am just really bad at hiding what's going on in my mind.

Just as I was about to answer, someone else joined our conversation.

"Oh so he is alive," the man I told off noted from behind me. "Just as I guessed,"

"Wasn't my 'no' enough of an answer to you," I quietly – so that I wouldn't hurt Lucas even more – lashed out at H who was glaring at Lucas from the corner of this room. How did he even get in?

"This isn't how you treat a sick child is it? He should rest," H sighed, completely ignoring what I had just said. While doing so he moved close enough to Lucas where he could basically touch him.

I could barely even react to what was happening before it was too late. H cast what I could only imagine was a spell on Lucas while touching his forehead. He whispered some unintelligible words, backed away and disappeared. While at it it seemed like Lucas had fallen into a deep slumber.


Darkness surrounded me. I felt strange. Maybe even good? I couldn't feel any pain as usual. Is this what it's to be dead? No, I must be dreaming. Or am I? Either way I sat up to take a better look at my surroundings. The sky, roof, or whatever was above me represented what I could only believe was a night sky. It was purplish-blue with white sparkling dots scattered everywhere like stars. The surrounding area was completely empty with nothing but the water-like ground and the sky-like roof reaching as far into the horizon as my eyes let me see. The emptiness was soothing but also with emptiness came silence. It was as if I was the only one in the universe. Just me and this void.

Suddenly a blurry screen appeared a few meters from me. On it there was a blonde girl that was about 7 to 8 years old, her face was blurry and she was swinging. There was also a creepy tall man with dark hair next to her.

"Who are you?" The girl asked, her voice echoing from what I would assume was a memory.

"I'm just a friend", the man chuckled an answer.

Then the memory switched to one with supposedly the same people as in the last one but this time a few years later. This time the girl was shaking from fear under the covers of her bed while the man observed from the shadows of the girls room.

And it switched again. And again it was a few years later but this time it wasn't as dark and sad. It was as if I could hear the girl's thoughts about how a certain someone was so amazing and everything like they meant the world to her but I could hear very vaguely my fathers name being spoken between all those thoughts. Could that weird man from the other memories be H?

"I didn't try to kill you", the man in question said from behind. "Just tested to see if you would stay alive".

"Isn't that the same thing?" I spoke back.

"That girl, she's the creator. If you would stay alive, I would know about her having eyes on you". He explained "She wouldn't just let her favorite die like this".


"She promised to set me free about 8 years ago, but now she's only locked me in this curse of a world. Sure it's been fun here but I still didn't want this. This isn't what we agreed on", H vented to me "I didn't bring you here for you to know this but just so she could know that I know of her plans".

Suddenly the floor, the ground, gave up under me and I sunk into what was now like an ocean of void. Then it was bright, the same kind of bright you would see at the gates of death. I opened my eyes to find myself back where I left at, my room.

Gosh i hate this chapter and I would have gladly left it out if it wasn't fo the really big lore importance

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