1.9 Time

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"You knew this would happen, didn't you?" a voice from behind me said, shattering my hopes and dreams even though my answer would have been positive.

"Why can't I just live my life, be independent?" I asked, tilting my head just so that I could see her broken face.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" A mocked me, readying her stance for a fight. As if I was any competition for her.

I wasn't ready for a fight, neither did I know how to do so. Usually I would just let things happen and hope for the best but that couldn't be this time. I wasn't ready. If only I had given up before it was too late.

I could hear the rustling of leaves and rocks beneath her feet as she got ready to launch at me. Her artificial looking metallic claws reflecting the sunlight into my eyes, making it hurt a bit. The thing she would call a face being mostly torn into pieces only revealing some bits and pieces of her muscles and other insides. Her circular marble-like green eyes staring straight into my soul in anticipation. She attacked.

Soon enough I could feel a slight pinching on my neck. I could smell iron, mostly due to her claws and the now dripping blood. I was honestly expecting more from her. This couldn't be all.

Instead of me, she was the one that reacted to this but the opposite of what I would expect. She started coughing blood and soon enough I could realize why. I looked downwards to see a staff-like thing on my hand penetrating A. She backed out from me and started wobbling left and right, coughing more frantically than before.

"I- uhh I didn't mean to do that, I don't know what happened", I apologized feeling scared for my fate after this.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!!????" A cried out.

Shocked about the situation I tried to get back onto my feet from the ground. I failed the couple first times but then managed to get up. I wasn't sure what to do. Should I even feel remorse for her? I just stared at her with my eyes wide, wondering. I still had the magically in my hand appeared staff but wasn't sure where it came from or what I was supposed to do with it.

She then started laughing maniacally. I wouldn't be surprised due to her messed up set of mind but there was just something odd about it. How come one's emotions change so quickly from crying out in pain to laughing maniacally at the situation.

"You fool! Did you think you could kill me? I'm immortal and wouldn't die due to such foolish reasons", she pointed at me from a weird angle making me feel pressured like I had done something wrong. "Maybe I could show you just a little something in return".

A started walking back towards me. Everything turned darker and more dramatic the more she acted out. She placed her hand just a mere 10 cm away from my face and whispered some sort of spell, changing the open hand into a grip.

It felt like my insides were being twisted and turned around. Soon enough I would find myself on the ground again, my whines of pain echoing through the woods around me. Now there was a pile of red parts on the ground before me as my consciousness began to slip away from this being I called my body.


I had just woken up, it was a nice sunny day outside. My mind filled with my love, Lucas. I felt like one of those teenage girls giggling over their crushes after they finally answered once to their hundreds of messages. Not in the way that our relationship was anything like that but I'm not sure what I'm trying to say.

I went to the main room of our house, a mix of a kitchen and a living room with both of those being combined into one room. There I saw A, she was leaning onto one of the countertops in our kitchen drinking a bottle of a dark red substance.

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