A/N- Thank You Guys<3

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Thank you guys so much for all of the support you have shown me throughout this series. I appreciate every single one of you. I have wanted to write a total drama fanfic series before I even started this account (a longgg time ago) and now I have finally done it! While Logan's journey is ending, my journey is still continuing.

Although I am heading to college very shortly, I'm going to try my best to update my other two books (total drama shorts and total drama prompts). If you're still interested in my account, feel free to look into them if you haven't done so already.

I plan on continuing to be active in the total drama community so you can also find me on Instagram and Tiktok with the same @ (I'm mostly active on Instagram). If you don't see me post on here, check out my other socials. I'm bound to be active on one of them, and if I'm not, I promise I will make a post somewhere explaining why!

Thank you again for reading this series. You guys are amazing, and I am very grateful for all of you.

Stay humble and continue to love yourself. You matter<3

-Sarah :)

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