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Y/N's Pov

I was in the process of preparing breakfast when someone knocked on the door. I looked up confused as I was not used to having visitors I made my way to the door and opened it to Katrina standing next to her lovely white horse.

"Well good morning Katrina what a pleasant surprise." I said.

"Good morning Y/N I was just wondering if Ichabod was up yet." Katrina said.

"Yes, I can go get him for you." I said.

"That would be wonderful thank you." She said. I turned around and headed up stairs and to the room Ichabod was staying in. As I went to knock on his door I got a funny feeling in my stomach like I was nervous to see him. I knocked on the door and pushed the feeling aside.

"Who is it?" Ichabod asked.

"It's Y/N." I answered. And as soon as I said this Ichabod opened the door to let me in.

"Is everything alright?" He asked.

"Katrina Van Tassel is at the door she has asked to see you." I explained. Ichabod looked confused and followed me down stairs to see what Katrina wanted.

"Good morning Katrina how can I help you?" Ichabod asked.

"Good morning Ichabod. I actually wanted to show you something." She said.

"Oh and my I know what it is?" Ichabod asked curiously.

"It's a surprise" Katrina said with a smile.

"Well then I guess we should get a move on then." Ichabod said heading out the door. I watched as Ichabod got on Gunpowder and left with Katrina and I couldn't help but feel a little bit hurt. I never had a problem with Katrina in fact she was really the only one in town that is actually nice to me. But I couldn't lie to myself I did envy her. She was beautiful with a successful and happy family she had money and was set to make a wonderful and hardworking wife to somebody. She had just about every single man in town wrapped around her finger even if she didn't know it. And I could help but feel she had Ichabod in her sights and in the end I knew she would win this battle. She could make anyone fall for her. As I sat there cutting up fruit for breakfast I thought it didn't matter what she did with Ichabod because once he considered his case closed he would go back home to New York and probably never think about his time in Sleepy Hollow again.

"Good morning Y/N" Young Masbath said from behind me causing me to jump alittle.

"Oh, good morning Masbath and just in time breakfast is ready." I said placing the fresh bread and fruit on the table in front of him.

"Thank you, where is Constable Crane?" He asked.

"He went to go check something out with Katrina Van Tassel. He should be back shortly. In the meantime you can help me chop some wood and make my deliveries in town." I said.

"Sure, but what do you mean by deliveries." He asked.

"Well I help repair things for people old chairs, tables I also sell fire wood to people who need it." I explained.

"That's very nice of you Y/N." Masbath said.

"Well it also helps bring in some money for when I need to pick things up from the market like flower to make more of that delicious bread that your eating." I said with a smile.

"Y/N can I ask you something?" Masbath asked.

"Sure, go right ahead." I said.

"Do you like the Constable?" He asked. I suddenly froze and my mind went blank.

"I... well um.... I-I think that the Constable is a very nice and respectable man." I said trying to keep a straight face. Masbath didn't ask any further questions but I could tell by the childish smile on his face that he didn't fully believe my answer to the question. As I started to eat my plate of food I got lost in thought again and as the morning grew on I thought about Masbath's question and I think my answer is yes.

Ichabod's Pov

It was late and getting dark when I finally started to make my way back to Y/N's house after spending the day with Katrina. As I got further into town I heard muffled voices coming from the Magistrate's house. I dismounted Gunpowder and quickly but quietly walked to the house and stood next to the window watching the last of a conversation between magistrate Philipse and Reverend Steenwyck. magistrate Philipse left the house and walked out the door to be met with his mule and a cart full of his personal belongings. As magistrate Philipse started to walk away quickly pulling the mule with him. I mounted Gunpowder and ran around to cut him off a little bit farther out of town.

"Where are you running to Magistrate Philipse?" I asked dismounting Gunpowder.

"Dame you Crane." Magistrate Philipse said in a angry tone.

"You had a mind to help me?" I asked him.

"Yes, and it's put me in mortal dread of...." He said.

"Of what?" I asked.

"Of powers which there is no defence." He explained.

"Did you know the Widow Winship was with child?" I asked.

"Yes she told me." He answered.

"Then I deduce you are the father." I said.

"I am not the father." Magistrate Philipse said slightly shocked.

"Did she tell you the name of the child's father?" I asked.

"Yes, she did. She came to me for advice as the towns Magistrate to protect the rights to her child. I was bound by my oath of office to keep the secret but....." Magistrate Philipse explained.

"Do you belive the father killed her?" I asked cutting him off.

"The horseman killed her." He quickly said.

"How often do I have to tell you there is NO horseman NEVER was a horseman and NEVER will be a horseman." I said starting to lose my patience. "What is this?" I said pointing at something in Philipse's hand.

"My talisman. It protects me from the horseman." He said getting more nervous as the storm started to get stronger around us.

"You a Magistrate and your head full of such nonsense. Tell me the name of....." I said before my sentence was cut of my the noise of a herd of sheep running by. Suddenly out of the woods came the sound of a horse. Magistrate Philipse turned around and began to runaway with a look of terror on his face. Suddenly the beating of horse hooves could be heard and a tall black horse with a headless rider came out of the woods and ran past me pulling his sword out of his sheath. As he ran past me I jumped out of the way and watched as they ran up to Magistrate Philipse and with one swing of his sword his head came flying off and rolled across the ground stopping in between my legs. The horseman turned his horse around and came running back towards me pointing his sword towards the ground. As he galloped his horse past me he stabbed the Magistrate's head and took off with it. Frozen in terror I felt dizzy and instantly passed out.

When I woke again I quickly got up mounted Gunpowder, who I was surprised was still standing by my side, and I galloped back to Y/N's house. Once I got back I jumped off Gunpowder's back and ran back inside. I ran right past Y/N who called my name a few times but I just wanted to hide in the safety of the up stairs room. Once in the room I closed the door and ran to the bed and hid myself in the corner of the room covering my body with the bed sheets. The storm outside was stilling going as the sound of pounding rain and flashes of lighting came and lit up the whole sky. I heard Y/N knock on the door gently and call my name. "Ichabod, Ichabod are you alright?" She said in her gentile and soft voice but I just sat in the corner looking at the door not wanting to see anyone or anything. Eventually everything went quiet except the rain outside and I knew that Y/N had went back down stairs. I spent all night going in and out of sleep but constantly kept jumping awake again thinking about the events that I had witnesses just a few hours ago.

I am so sorry that I have been gone for so long. Life just kept getting in the way and before I knew it months had past. I hope to be back and updating my stories more often now.

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