NBG Goes Swimming - 04/02/1994

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––––––––––AT THE SWIMMING POOL––––––––––


NBG all spots the last 2 changing stalls

NED: Race you to that stall!

NBG races to the stalls

Ned and Gavin gets a stall each and locks the doors

Bryan gets left behind


BRYAN: Guys, where am I gonna change?

GAVIN: I think there's other stalls nearby

GAVIN: Just have a look


Bryan spots lockers

Bryan opens a locker and climbs inside

The locker clicks shut

Bryan changes into swimming trunks and goggles

A woman approaches the locker with a baby in her arm

WOMAN (To the baby): Let's get you a towel, shall we

Woman opens the locker and reaches inside

Ned and Gavin hears 2 people screaming

Ned and Gavin finishes changing and unlocks their doors

Ned and Gavin sees Bryan dashing out of the locker

The woman stops screaming and looks shocked

GAVIN: What on earth happened?


BRYAN: I may or may not have changed in that locker

BRYAN: By accident

NED: Bryan, that's a locker

NED: We told you to find another stall

BRYAN: I couldn't tell the difference between them

NBG heads towards the swimming pool

Gavin spots diving boards

GAVIN: Hey guys

GAVIN: Shall we all jump off the diving boards at the same time?

NED: Yeah sure

NBG walks to the diving boards

Bryan climbs up ladder

Bryan stands on top of seat, about to jump off

Loud whistle

Bryan looks up and sees lifeguard approaching

LIFEGUARD: Excuse me, sir!

LIFEGUARD: You're not allowed to be on there!

NED: Bryan, what are you doing in the lifeguard's seat?

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