Finding Bryan - 26/09/1993

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––––––––––AT THE AMUSEMENT PARK––––––––––


BRYAN: Why don't we go on the ferris wheel

NED: Sure

GAVIN: Wait, but can I go get some hotdogs first?

NED: Ok, we'll wait here

GAVIN: Oh, and make sure Bryan doesn't wonder off again

NED: I will

Gavin goes to hotdog stand

NED: Bryan, sit


NED: Sit


Bryan sits down on a bench

NED: Good

NED: Now, don't go anywhere

NED: I'm gonna go and throw this garbage away

Ned goes to bin and puts litter away

Gavin returns to bench

He looks around, confused

Ned returns to bench

GAVIN: Where did you go?

NED: To throw my shopping list in the bin

NED: It's been in my pocket for 2 years

NED: And I never got the things I wanted on there

NED: Where's Bryan?

GAVIN: I was about to ask you that

NED: Me?

GAVIN: I literally told you to make sure he doesn't walk off again


*Gavin sighs*

GAVIN: Let's go and find him

Ned and Gavin approaches a stranger

GAVIN (Whispers to Ned): You ask

NED: What

NED: Why me?

GAVIN: You lost him

NED: Ok, but you'll have to pay me to do that


NED: Fine

NED: I'll pay myself $5

NED (To stranger): Excuse me, have you seen a guy with blue shorts and curly hair?

STRANGER: No, sorry

NED: He's really bad at math and he's terrible at art

NED: And he never brushes his teeth so his breath smells really bad and-

GAVIN: Ok, that's enough

Gavin drags Ned away

GAVIN (To stranger): Sorry about that

NED: Hey, I wasn't done!

GAVIN: You don't need to tell him every single detail

NED: You're the one who asked me to ask him

NED: Look, there's a telephone booth

NED: Let's use that

GAVIN: Bryan got his phone taken away

NED: Oh yeah

Gavin spots Bryan behind a tree

GAVIN: Wait, isn't that-

NED: Bryan

NED (To Bryan): Yo, what are you doing over there?

Bryan turns around with ice cream around his mouth

Then he returns to Ned and Gavin

GAVIN: Bro, where have you been?

GAVIN: And where did you get that from?

BRYAN: Oh there's an ice cream truck over there

Bryan points to the ice cream truck

BRYAN: And then I returned but you guys weren't there so I was waiting for you guys

GAVIN: Dude, you were on the wrong side of the path


BRYAN: No wonder why you took so long

NED: Let's just go on the ferris wheel now 

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