First Day of High School - 02/09/1993

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––––––––––AT GAVIN'S––––––––––


BRYAN: What's taking him so long?

NED: If he's not ready in the next 5 minutes I'm leaving

NED: I don't want to be late on the first day of school

BRYAN: Yeah, but he's gonna be pretty mad

NED: He's got himself to blame

Gavin opens his front door

BRYAN: Bro, what took you so long?

GAVIN: I had to polish my shoes

NBG walks to the bus stop

NED: You said 2 more minutes

NED: And it's been 10

GAVIN: The door was open the whole time, you know

BRYAN: Oh yeah, we could've just dragged you out here

BRYAN: Make sure you leave your door open everyday

Ned chuckles and the three of them get on the bus

––––––––––AT SCHOOL––––––––––

NBG compares timetables

BRYAN: We have every class together except math

NED: That's cuz you're dumb

Bryan hits Ned with a book

NED: I'm kidding, chill

NED (Whispering to Gavin): He is dumb tho

Bryan hits Ned with a book again

NED: Wow you have good hearing

————— IN SCIENCE—————


NED: Sup                                                                                                                                                                     9:54AM

BRYAN: Nothing much                                                                                                                                           9:55AM

BRYAN: U                                                                                                                                                                     9:55AM

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