Phobias and Humans

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{new Ranboo and friends au just dropped my friends, enjoy the Phobia filled chaos.}

  Charlie and Quackity were in a meeting filled with hundreds of people, forced to learn about the mysterious threat that everyone seemed so worried about. The leader of the meeting stood up and walked up to the screen.

  "Now that everyone is here, we can explain what we have learned about the threat that's plagued us for years, The Phobias." The man stated as the board showed the beginning of a power point.

  Quackity groaned slightly and dropped his head on his table, completely uninterested. But Charlie's interest was captured simply by the name of the threat. He was always interested in Phobias and such, and now that he was able to learn more about them? Oh he was beyond interested now. The man started speaking again so Quackity raised his head.

  "These creatures we call Phobias are living embodiments of humans' fears. We've only ever found them in abandoned and isolated places so we assume that's their preferred type of living environment. There are only a few we've managed to get clear photos of. This is what we can identify as Trypophobia, or the fear of clusters of small holes." He stated, showing a picture on the screen.

The picture was of a tall, human-like creature with void-filled holes covering it's body. It had brown hair, a tore up red beanie, a tore up yellow sweater, wing-like things on it's back, and shredded jeans. It looked cool to Charlie, Quackity just thought that a creature like that was a stupid reason to make a meeting over. The man continued his explanation of the creature.

  "We don't know much about it, but we did note that it carries a guitar at times and plays it. We have a theory that it uses it's music to lure people to it, so be weary if you hear guitar music in any abandoned or isolated area." The man changed the photo to show two doll-like creatures. "These two are called Pediophobias or the fear of dolls. They're the size of small teddy bears and have human like movements and voices. We heard them speak to each other multiple times."

  Charlie studied the picture. One doll had brown button eyes, black hair, a black beanie with colored fabric patches stitched to it, a green striped sweater, and black pants. The other doll had blue eyes, brown hair, a black and yellow sweater that resembled a bee, small bee like fabric wings coming from it's back, and jeans. They were honestly really cool in Charlie's opinion. Quackity thought they were cute and seemingly harmless.

  Why would these creatures be a threat? What are they gonna do? Snuggle me to death? Quackity thought to himself, smiling.

  "Now this creature is one of the more threatening of the three we managed to get a picture of." The man stated, then a picture of another creature popped up on the screen.

   It was terrifying. It has a mask on but where it's eyes would be was a void filled with what seemed like hundreds of eyes, it also had eyes in it's stomach, chest, hand, leg, and arm areas. It had dirty blonde, almost brown hair, a black shirt, black pants, and a grey jacket that looked like it had been torn and sewn back together multiple times. Quackity was now scared, but Charlie was mesmerized. He was absolutely amazed by it.

  "This creature we call Scopophobia, or the fear of being watched. Now this creature can see everything around it and it can be extremely aggressive. It saw us once and started throwing rocks and metal bars at us." The man continued. Quackity now wanted to leave so he got up, but Charlie forced him to stay and sit through this with him. Charlie processed what the leader said, then realized that it sounded like the creature they call Scopophobia was protecting it's territory. Or another creature. The man continued his explanation of the creatures, saying that they were dangerous and if anyone saw any then they should run away. At the end of the meeting the leader allowed questions and, as he expected, Charlie was quick to asked one.

  "Where did you find these creatures?" Charlie asked the man, who shook his head.

  "Now I'm going to tell you this, but don't go looking for these creatures unless you're asking for a death wish. We found these 3 and many more at the old abandoned town next to ours. Don't do anything you'll regret Charlie, I mean it" the man stated, Charlie nodded.

  "I won't do anything I'll regret sir." Charlie said, smiling. The leader sighed, knowing exactly what Charlie was going to do but didn't have the energy to talk him out of it. The leader asked if there was any more questions, which was met with silence.

  "Alright then, meeting dismissed." He stated, and Charlie quickly got up and grabbed Quackity. He dragged the surprised man into the hall.

  "Quackity I have an idea!" Charlie started, but Quackity shook his head.

  "If it involves getting killed by Phobias then count me out!" He told the other, who frowned.

  "Come on Quackity, please? I want to see them for myself and study them." Charlie said, trying to convince the other to come with him.

  "Then go by yourself Charles, you're not a child." Quackity stated.

  "And how would Schlatt feel about you making me go alone?" Charlie asked, his hands on his hips and leaning forward slightly. Quackity groaned.

  "Fine, I'll go. But don't expect me to like it." He told the other, who smiled and hopped slightly.

  "I never expected you to, now come on! We have a road trip to get ready for!" Charlie exclaimed happily as he dragged Quackity out of the building. Quackity just sighed.

  Hopefully we don't die on the first day.

{992 words}

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