Stars and Wonders

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{Enjoy your fluff, Slight angst I think, and scenery, I let Loss control this chapter. -👤}

  Charlie was surprised that Ranboo wanted to show him something, but still happily agreed.

  "Sure! What is it?" Charlie questioned the tall Phobia in front of him. Ranboo said nothing as they picked him up with their tale carefully.

  With great ease and agility, Ranboo crawled out of the window and to the top of the building, Charlie being snuggled securely in their tale. Charlie enjoyed being picked up by Ranboo. Honestly he liked being picked up by anyone, but he definitely liked being picked up by Ranboo the most. He also noticed just how focused Ranboo seemed as they carefully climbed the wall, making sure that he was safe and that the parts of the wall they climbed weren't too unstable. After they both made it to the top, Ranboo carefully put Charlie down. Once Charlie had found his footing, he looked up at Ranboo.

  "That was fun! You're an amazing climber! Why did you want to show me the top of your building though?" Charlie asked Ranboo out of pure curiosity. Ranboo nervously looked to the side at the compliments before pointing out towards the rest of the town. Charlie looked over and nearly lost his breathe.

  Now most wouldn't think an abandoned city would be very beautiful, but not every abandoned thing is destroyed beyond recognition. The buildings of the city were covered in all sorts of flora; moss, vines, vine flowers, tree sprouts, and some lower buildings even had some fruit or vegetables growing on them. The buildings also had al sorts of colorful art that the Phobias and past human inhabitants created, Charlie noticed one that was of space with all the planets and comets in it. There were also small statues and 3D art that were really pretty, especially with the full moon glowing down on them. The most beautiful thing about it to Charlie though, was the fact that all of this was preserved, created, or restored by the Phobias that now called this city home. This was their home, their treasure, and they did more to keep it preserved and safe then most humans do with the non-abandoned cities and towns.

  "It's amazing isn't it?" Ranboo quietly spoke, breaking the silence. It was clear to Charlie that they were trying to bond in some sort of way. Charlie smiled before answering.

  "It's beautiful. You all really do try your best to make this place home don't you?" He asked, making Ranboo nod.

  "It's the only form of home we have left, so I try to protect it and make sure it stays safe for us. All the scenery is done by the others, and I'll admit they're really good at making an abandoned city feel like home." They stated. Charlie didn't respond, as he was still mesmerized by the view of the city. Ranboo got his attention by pointing towards another beautiful view the roof gave, the sky. "I have to say though, my favorite view from up here is the stars. You can see practically every constellation when it's clear."

  Charlie looked up at the sky and was met with a beautiful, crystal clear view of the stars. He noticed that Ranboo was right, you could see practically every constellation when it was this clear. It looked like hundreds of fairy lights in a dark blue to dark purple gradient painting. It was truly a sight to see. Charlie couldn't help but let his mouth fall open at it all. He turned to Ranboo, who was watching the stars with their tail curled around them and their knees to their chest, and noticed that they took off their mask. Charlie saw their fangs and their small, calm smile as they watched the stars shine. He noticed Ranboo looked so calm and gentle, so at peace. He seemed to forget that Ranboo could see everything no matter where he was looking, since he promptly jumped once Ranboo started talking.

  "You know, Charlie, a picture would last longer." They said softly, but in a slight teasing tone. Charlie immediately looked away, his face red from the embarrassment of being caught staring. Ranboo let out a soft laugh. "It's fine, I don't really mind being stared at by you. You definitely seem mesmerized by me, but why you are I'll never understand."

  Charlie looked back at Ranboo before answering. "It's because you're amazing. You protect what you care about, help who you trust and love, and try to do the best thing for everyone. Not only that, but to me you're beautiful." Charlie told the tall phobia, who let out a slight laugh.

  "Beautiful? I appreciate the compliment, Charlie, but I'm not beautiful. I'm a monster. All because of those people who left me to die." Ranboo sighed, making Charlie frown.

  "Ranboo, you're still beautiful. I don't care if you think you aren't. There's so many things that make you beautiful." Charlie stated. Ranboo gave him a curious, disbelieving glance.

  "Oh really? Then if I'm really beautiful, tell me what is beautiful about me." Ranboo said, slight sarcasm laced their voice. Charlie gave them a bright smile before answering.

  "Oh, where to start." Charlie laughed. "You're strong, you're brave, you have a kind heart, you use your abilities to help those you care about, you don't let your emotions keep you from protecting the right people, you look out for those who need you, and you're in general just really, really pretty to me. Do I need to go on?"

  Ranboo was shocked to say the least, and sort of flustered, but they shook their head letting Charlie know he didn't need to continue. Charlie softly laughed at their reaction. Charlie wasn't sure why he did, and Ranboo was even more confused by his actions, but Charlie cupped Ranboo's face in his hands. Oddly enough, Ranboo wasn't alarmed by this and even leaned into the touch with their eyes closed. They realized that they were definitely touch starved though. They wrapped their tail around Charlie, which in turn pulled Charlie closer to them, then Ranboo did something Charlie didn't realize they could do. They started purring loudly. It made Charlie smile brightly.

  They're so cute when they're content.


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