Distrust and Electricity

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  Charlie and Quackity made it to the building around sunset. It was farther then either of them had realized.

  "God... How big is this town?" A tired Quackity asked. Charlie looked around.

  "About as big as a city. I wonder why they call it a town instead of a city." He said, then started towards the door of the office building.

  "We're just gonna waltz into this guy's home?" Quackity questioned Charlie, who turned to look at him and shrugged.

  "I guess so? Im not actually sure where we would meet Ranboo." Charlie stated. After the last word left his mouth, a large figure dropped down to the ground from one of the higher levels of the building. Quackity and Charlie jumped in surprise, looking at the figure. It was Ranboo. Ranboo stood up, they looked to be over 9ft tall, and glared at the two humans before them spoke.

  "Humans." They growled, scaring Quackity shit-less. Quackity went behind Charlie, who was oddly enough not scared. Charlie stood his ground and looked up at Ranboo's face.

  "Hello Ranboo, I'm Charlie. This is my friend Quackity. We're here to gain your trust and learn about you and your kind. We mean no harm, even though you might not believe me, I promise I'm telling you the truth." Charlie told the creature that towered over him. Ranboo let out a low growl and picked up Charlie with their tail. This caught him by surprise, but he didn't panic.

  "I will give you a single chance. If you hurt any of my friends then you're both as good as dead. Do you understand me." Ranboo stated. Charlie nodded calmly, but Quackity was far from calm.

  "I fully understand Ranboo, we won't hurt anyone." Charlie informed Ranboo. They nodded.

  "Good. At least you're not a stupid human." Ranboo growled, setting Charlie on the ground gently. They climbed up the side of their building before turning to face the two on the ground. "Get away from my building."

  Ranboo didn't have to tell Quackity twice as he shot up from the ground and dashed towards the camper. Charlie sighed and ran after him after saying goodbye. Ranboo watched the two as they ran off, then climbed into the room that they claimed as theirs. They took off their mask and stared into a mirror for a moment. Their mouth was filled with sharp teeth and long fangs. They hated how they looked even more then they did when they were human. Ranboo growled, put on their mask, and then climbed up to the roof. They could see everything from here, even the doll twins. They perched on the edge of the roof, sitting in a cat-like pose with their tail wrapped around their body, and watched the two humans.

  That Charlie human wasn't scared. I wonder why.

{With Charlie and Quackity}

  "Charlie you are INSANE?! How were you not absolutely terrified when they picked you up!?" Quackity exclaimed as the two passed an building that appeared to be an old arcade.

  "There's nothing to fear. Ranboo is just protecting their home and friends." Charlie stated, stopping where he was. Quackity shook his head.

  "But they threatened to kill us!" Quackity started, but was cut off by electrical noises inside the arcade building they were in front of.

  As usual, Charlie was quick to go see what it was, making Quackity go with him. Once they were inside, they saw many different machines. There was everything from arcade machines to tvs to computers in there. Charlie followed the sound of electrical zaps, Quackity followed him since he didn't want to be left outside alone at night. They both turned a sharp corner to see a blonde haired creature, that looked like a kid, sitting facing the wall. They were covered in wires and components from different electronic devices. It had a tail that had a small, old-fashioned tv like device on the tip. They were playing with the wires inside an old computer.

  "Hello?" Charlie spoke, which slightly startled the creature in front of him,

  "A human? Why are you here? I'm surprised Ranboo hasn't caught you yet." The creature stated, going back to the computer. Charlie smiled.

  "They kinda did, but they're giving me and my friend a chance so we can meet and learn more about you and your friends. I'm Charlie, and that's Quackity." Charlie responded. The creature looked at them surprised.

  "Big R is actually giving you humans a chance? Damn, guess they don't hate humans as much as they say, or Kristen convinced them to give you a chance. Anyways I'm Tommy! Nice to meet you two." Tommy replied, smiling and standing up. Charlie looked surprised.

  "Like Tommy Simons? And who's Kristen?" Charlie questioned, Tommy looked at him.

  "Hey I didn't know you knew my name, but yea that's me. And Kristen is a shadow woman with white, glowing eyes that hangs around Ranboo and her husband, Philza. Philza is a blonde dude that has black wings and is impaled by multiple sharp things." He explained to Charlie, who looked in his notebook. Tommy got curious and leaned over. "What's that there?"

  "Oh! This is my research notebook! I have all the names of the Phobias, which is the name we humans gave your kind, and the descriptions of them! Looks like you're the Technophobia, or the fear of technology. Kristen sounds like the Nyctophobia, or the fear of the dark. And Philza sounds like the Aichophobia, or the fear of sharp objects." Charlie stated, looking up at Tommy. Tommy tilted his head at Charlie.

  "So I have a new long ass name? Weird but cool." He chimed, swinging his tail slowly. "Anyways, what do you wanna know about me?"

  "Well I guess I want to know what you all do for the most part. Oh, and what you all eat if you do eat." Charlie stated.

  "Well for the eating thing, we don't need to eat. Some of us eat random foods we find just to taste it, but we don't need food." Tommy replied, smiling. "As for what we do, we all do different things. I can manipulate and create electricity. I know Kristen can manipulate shadows. Ranboo can see everything in our city from the roof of their building and they're strong as fuck. Wilbur has creatures that live in his body. Niki can create 'living' puppets. And the doll twins can act like humans. That's all I can remember right off hand."

  Charlie wrote down the information Tommy just gave him excitedly. "You guys are nothing like we were told. We were warned that you all were dangerous and were out to hurt humans." Charlie informed Tommy, who looked genuinely shocked.

  "Why the hell would we hurt humans?! We all used to be humans! All we want to do is stay in our city, be left alone by the bad, and make friends with the good. That's it. If it wasn't for humans coming here, we wouldn't interact with you all. Ranboo is the only one here who usually attacks humans on sight, but that's just because he doesn't want the rest of us to get hurt again." Tommy explained, which made Charlie turn to Quackity.

  "I told you they were only attacking because they were protecting something or someone Quackity." Charlie smiled, but Quackity groaned.

  "Alright I get it, you were right and I was wrong." Quackity huffed. Tommy turned to him.

  "Don't worry Big Q, we all get things wrong sometimes." Tommy stated, making Quackity smile.

  "Thanks Toms." Quackity replied, obviously more comfortable in the Phobia's presence now. Tommy was about to say something when two little dolls jumped up onto a table near them. The dolls both suddenly shouted out.


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