Things to Gain and Lose

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  Quackity nearly jumped out of his skin when the two dolls shouted out. He fell backwards onto an already broken table, breaking it even more. The twins laughed at Quackity's response, Tommy groaned because his table was more broken now, and Charlie was worried about his friend being hurt. Thankfully Quackity was fine, and he knew how to fix things. Quackity said he'd fix it for Tommy when he got the materials to, which made Tommy swing his tail slowly and thank Quackity.

  "Anyways these are the doll twins, Aimsey with the long hair and beanie and Tubbo with the bee outfit." Tommy stated, pointing to the living dolls standing in front of the group. "They're fun, they like pulling pranks on people, and Tubbo likes sitting on people's shoulders. They never separate so if you only see one, the other is about to jump out and scare you or something is wrong."

  Charlie and Quackity nodded, then Tubbo climbed onto Quackity's shoulder. Quackity, not sure on what to do, patted Tubbo on the head gently which made him flutter his little bee wings happily. Quackity smiled at the little doll's reaction, which made Charlie smile.

  "You're not as scared of these guys anymore are you?" Charlie questioned him, to which Quackity nodded.

  "You were right, we shouldn't base our opinions on things just by other people's words. Don't get me wrong, my anxiety is still high when it comes to Ranboo, but I feel like I can be less scared of the others now." Quackity stated, which made Tommy let out a small laugh.

  "Oh trust me, there's scarier people then us, like Techno and Chayanne." Tommy told him, which made Quackity shiver.

  "You had to remind me." Quackity Groaned, making Tommy laugh more.

  "You'll be alright man, now come on! I have so many people for you two to meet and so much more to teach you about me and my friends!" Tommy exclaimed, grabbing Quackity and Charlie's hands.

  For the next couple of days, Tommy took Charlie and Quackity to meet all the other Phobias. There was Techno or the Traumatophobia (the fear of injuries), Philza or the Aichophobia (the fear of sharp objects), Niki or the Pupaphobia (the fear of puppets), Kristen or the Nyctophobia (the fear of the dark), Billzo or the Masklophobia (the fear of masks and costumes), Chayanne or the Tophephobia (the fear of being buried alive), and Tallulah or the Botanophobia (the fear of plants and flowers). As they were meeting each one, Charlie learned as much as he could about them and took notes while Quackity tried to make friends with them. After they met everyone, they started bonding with everyone and learning their interests and talents.

   Niki was a great puppet and clothes maker as well as an amazing entertainer, Tallulah was amazing at flute, Chayanne and Techno gave the two humans fighting tips, Kristen and Philza were parental figures to everyone, and Billzo had amazing jokes that he'd come up with.

While the two humans were bonding with all the other Phobias, Ranboo was always close by and watching. As much as they'd hate to admit it, a part of them yearned to bond with the humans as well, to laugh with them and learn more about them in a friend way. But they refused to let themself trust and befriend a human, much less two humans. They had been hurt by too many of them in the past. So instead they stayed just close enough to watch and listen as the two humans befriended the others.

  At the moment, it was night and the group of Phobias and humans were gathered together. Charlie had mad a bonfire in a pit with metal mesh around it so that the smaller Phobias wouldn't fall in. Ranboo was on top of a short, nearby postal service building watching them all. Charlie, Niki, Tallulah and Wilbur were singing and playing music (which Ranboo wouldn't outwardly admit it, but Charlie had an amazing singing voice). Quackity, Tommy, Chayanne, and the doll twins were all telling each other jokes and laughing. Phil and Techno listened to the singing group. Kristen appeared behind Ranboo, then went over and sat by them.

  "You should join them, the gathering with the humans is quite fun." Kristen told Ranboo softly, trying to get the taller to interact with the humans. Ranboo let out an annoyed, quiet growl and turned their attention back to the gathering. Kristen's gaze softened. "You and I both know you want to join in. And I also know that you're scared to. But you've been watching them, and you've seen that they've done nothing to hurt anyone. Why not try to bond with that Charlie human? I've noticed that you've been watching him a lot more then the other. Why is that?"

  "He doesn't react the same as the other humans who have seen me. He isn't scared, he doesn't try to run away or attack me. He's calm and collected and treats me as if I was a human. It's strange. It's very strange." Ranboo told her quietly. "And he always waves and smiled when he sees me."

  As if on cue, Charlie looked up while singing with Niki and noticed Ranboo. He waved at them and smiled, then continued singing and spun around. Ranboo sighed.

  "He's strange, but for some reason, feels safe."

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