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{short chapter cuz it's being written at 3 am}

  It was the last night Charlie and Quackity would be spending in the Phobias' town. Quackity was spending time with the others, but Charlie had no interest in it this time. He was looking for Ranboo. He had been searching for a good 3 hours now, which was unusual since he could usually spot the tall phobia within 10 minutes no matter when he was looking. He decided to head to Ranboo's building and see if he was there.

  Once Charlie got to the old building, he called out for Ranboo. Unfortunately he received no answer, which worried him. He made the choice to go inside and see if Ranboo was ok. He walked in carefully, making sure not to trip over the rubble on the ground. He looked on the first and second levels, but found no one. He went onto the third level, and heard what sounded like panicked breathing on the next level. He rushed up the stairs, nearly falling through them a few times. Once he got up there, he saw Ranboo laying on their side on the ground. Charlie quickly rushed to them, realizing they were having a panic attack.

  "Hey it's ok, I'm here." Charlie told them as calmly as he could, which made Ranboo looked up at him. He carefully picked up their hand and put it to his chest. "Look. Focus on my breathing and try to match it ok?"

  Ranboo nodded slightly and focused on his breathing. They noticed the slow rise and fall of his chest, indicating his calm breathing. Their breathing slowed slightly to try and match Charlie's. Instinctively, Ranboo wrapped their tail around the smaller and unintentionally pulled him closer. Charlie was surprised by this, but didn't say anything as he focused on Ranboo. They had fully calmed down after a few minutes and were simply laying on Charlie in a daze. He didn't mind though, he just ran his fingers through Ranboo's hair and hummed in an attempt to keep them calm. Once they were out of their daze, Ranboo raised up and looked at Charlie.

  "...thank you." Ranboo told him hesitantly. Charlie smiled.

  "You're welcome, are you ok now?" He questioned, which made the other nod in response.

  "Why are you here?" Ranboo asked. It wasn't in a malicious or annoyed way, but more of a curious one.

  "I was looking for you since I hadn't seen you in awhile. I'm glad I did though, I don't want you to be in such a state alone." Charlie told him, which surprised Ranboo.

  "You... Wanted to find me?" They questioned, confused. Charlie nodded. Ranboo thought for a moment before talking again. "Can I show you something?"


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