Abandoned and Alone

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  When Charlie woke up, it was morning. He had a weird feeling, but brushed it off and got Quackity up.

  "Quackity! Come on! Let's go! We should get going if we want to get to the town and set up a our camper before dark." Charlie said aloud, shaking the other awake. Quackity groaned. As much as he didn't want to go on this trip, he wanted to get there past dark even less. The two got ready, packed the camper up, and left for the other town. They made a few stops for things likes food supplies and such, but otherwise they didn't interrupt their 3 hour drive to the abandoned town.

{Three hours later}

  "Finally we're here!" Charlie chimed as he got out of the car. Quackity was less enthusiastic, he felt like he was being watched.

  "How long are we staying here again?" He asked, Charlie spun around to meet his eyes.

  "Only for the weekend, unless something makes us leave sooner." Charlie stated, making Quackity groan again.

  "3 days? Really?"

  "Yep! Now shush I here something." Charlie said quietly as he turned towards a crumbled building. There was beautiful guitar music being played. "That sounds beautiful, I wonder if it's the Trypophobia's music."

  "It sounds like I want to leave." Quackity wined, but Charlie shook his head.

  "Come on Quackity, let's go see it with our own eyes!" He said, starting towards the crumbled building. Quackity looked at him as if he had just lost his mind.

  "Are you crazy?!" Quackity quietly exclaimed.

  "Maybe, now come on." Charlie told him, grabbing his arm and dragging Quackity with him.

  Once they got over to the building, they peeked over a part of the broken wall. They saw the Trypophobia playing guitar, he wasn't doing much other wise. He seemed content strumming the cords of his guitar and leaning against a broken pillar. Quackity and Charlie weren't sure what song he was playing, maybe one he made himself, but honestly neither cared. Quackity was scared out of his mind, and Charlie was mesmerized by the music. Once the creature finished it's song, Charlie started clapping instinctively, coming out from behind the wall before Quackity could stop him.

  "That was a beautiful song!" Charlie exclaimed happily, which scared the Trypophobia.

  "Human!" He exclaimed fearfully, dashing behind a wall opposite of Charlie. Charlie frowned, realizing that the creature was scared of him.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you!" Charlie told him, slowly stepping over to the wall in a way that wouldn't alarm the creature more. When Charlie turned the corner of the wall, he found the Trypophobia holding his knees to his chest in fear.

  "Please don't hurt me human..." He mumbled, he was terrified. Charlie was shocked that he was scared of him.

  "Hey it's ok, I won't hurt you. I'm sorry I scared you, are you ok?" Charlie asked the scared figure. The creature looked Charlie, slightly calming down.

  "You're... You're not here to hurt me?" He asked Charlie carefully. Charlie shook his head.

  "I'd never hurt anything without a reason, and all you were doing was playing your music. Me and my friend Quackity came here to meet you and others of your kind to learn more about you all." Charlie told him with a comforting smile, which made the creature smile back.

  "You're a nice human, I'm glad there's still nice humans out there." He told Charlie as he stood up carefully. "I'm Wilbur, what's your name?"

  "I'm Charlie! And that scared boy with the duck hoodie over there is Quackity." Charlie stated, pointing to Quackity.

  "Nice to meet you both." Wilbur said, then frowned. "You said you were here to meet me and my friends, but I don't think you'll be allowed to. Ranboo is very protective of us and hates humans, they'll run you out of town if they found you. And they can find you easily."

  "Who's Ranboo?" Quackity asked nervously, Wilbur turned to him.

  "They're Best identifiable by the countless eyes that adorn their body. They see everything around them, even things behind them." He answered, Charlie looked surprised.

  "So Scopophobia's name is actually Ranboo?" He questioned the tall creature, who looked at him confused.

  "Scopophobia? Is that the name they gave Ranboo? It sounds... Weird." Wilbur stated, rubbing the back of his void-black neck. Charlie nodded.

  "Our kind named your kind after the phobias you all seem to embody. Like your name was Trypophobia, the fear of clusters of small holes, but now I know you're name is Wilbur so that's what I'm going to call you. You kind is called 'The Phobias' because you embody different fears." Charlie explained, making Wilbur frown.

  "We didn't choose to look like this, we came back as the representation of our deaths. I wasn't aware there was even a fear of clusters of small holes. I have holes all over my body because of the amount of times I was shot." Wilbur explained to the two, which made Charlie's eyes widen.

  "Wilbur Soot?" Charlie asked, making Wilbur look at him.

  "You know my full name?" He asked, stunned. Charlie nodded.

  "Yea, I did some research on this place before we came here. So if your Wilbur Soot, then is Ranboo the Ranboo Beloved person who people just watched die?" Charlie guessed, which made Wilbur nod.

  "Yes they are, unfortunately that's one reason why they hate humans. The other being that humans hurt their own kind and others for no reason." Wilbur stated, making Charlie frown.

  "How awful, no wonder they don't trust humans." He said softly, then looked up at Wilbur. "Can we meet them and try to gain their trust?"

  "You can try, but your chances of success or slim." Wilbur stated, then pointed at an old office building. "That's were they stay unless their patrolling or looking for more of us 'Phobias' as you humans call us. I'd go with you, but I don't like going near that building."

  Charlie nodded, thanked Wilbur for his help, and then dragged Quackity with him to the office building where Ranboo should be. Unknown to them, Ranboo had been watching them ever since they arrived.

  These humans must be the ones Kristen told me about. Ranboo thought as he watched the two make their way to the old office building. Hopefully they live up to her expectations.

{1068 words}

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