Mel POV 2

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After the wire encounter I followed Rue back to where she was previously sitting. I sent Rue a confused look and she knew right away what I was asking: what and who was that Ruby Bennet?

"The boy is Ashtray or Ash. He's cool, but only with he's not big on friends so don't even attempt it. He keeps to himself and his brother Fez, who I'm also cool with. The girl is Britney. She's a bully and irrelevant, so don't waste any seconds stressing or thinking about her, cause she don't deserve it. But if she messed with you again you lemme know, Mel." Rue explained and I nodded as I soaked everything in.

Being Rue's cousin came in clutch when it came to moving to this small, worthless town. I missed New York, but with the fetal car accident that took the lives of both my parents, it was either move out here with my aunt and 2 cousins or foster care.

So here I am at some lame party with Rue. I didn't want to leave the house, but Rue forced me and said I needed a life outside of my new bedroom. I disagreed with her all the way, but whatever. I had settled for a simple outfit that included and cropped white tank top and black ripped jeans with my white and grey Jordans.

I guess after 4 long weeks since the accident happened, a night out is sort of what I needed to get out of my depressed funk, but after my run-in with the worlds biggest airhead and I regret every decision I've made that led up to this night.

Despite what Rue said about that girl I found myself sitting by Rue as her, baby gangster, and Barbie got high together. Of course.

As they were getting higher than the clouds, a red bearded guy showed up with a brunette chick on his arm. They looked like polar opposites, but cute together regardless. They introduced themselves as Fez and Lexi and I immediately recognized the name from Rue saying that was Ashtrays brother. They looked nothing alike, but it's not my business.

I leaned towards Rue and spoke softly to her. "I'm about to head out, I'll walk home. Text you when I make it, 'kay?" Rue began to talk and she talked very loudly for whatever reason. "Ight lil cus! Walk safe and I'll be home later. Fez, you gon give me a ride home later!?" Fez chuckled at her unnecessarily loud question. "I'm heading out now Rue, if you wanna ride, it's gon have to be now." Rue looked at me and I shrugged, "mind if my cousin, Melody rides too? She's stayin wit me!" Fez nods slowly before bringing his drooped gaze to my direction. I smile and wave lamely causing him to smile back.

We somehow make it out of the crowd and into Fez's Cadillac. Ash agreed to sit in the middle, so Rue and I could easily slide out with no hassle. I made sure to keep myself planted against the door.

I refused to be the reason baby G has a frown deeper than what's already there. That frown had been acquainted on his face the entire night. Not only was the frown sort of unsettling, but him look king like was 11 with face tats was even worse. My grandma always told me that if you held a certain facial expression for too long, it would get permanently stuck that way. I wonder if that's what happened to Face Tats?

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