Melody POV 6

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     It's been 2 weeks since I last went to that store and Ashtray bought me that coke. I've been in my feels all day today since today was my moms birthday.

    I decided to get dressed for the day and go out and buy a mini cupcake so I can celebrate in her honor. My mom was big on celebrations. Not usually for herself, but I always made sure that she enjoyed her day.

      After getting dressed I twisted my hair up and pinned it with a clip letting lose pieces fall out in the back. I slipped on my dirty air forces and headed to my bike.

     I biked all the way to the nearest grocery store and went to the bakery isle. I grabbed a simple cute vanilla cake with blue frosting since that was her favorite color. I ran to the candles and snatched up a pack of white candles and headed to self check out. I didn't feel like doing any human interactions so I made this quick.

    Once I made it home I put a single candle in the cupcake and lit it with my purple lighter. I stared at the flame as the candle slowly melted and I started crying.

    I hate being weak or soft, especially in front of people, but losing my parents was way harder than I thought. I quickly sobered up and wiped my cheeks before aggressively blowing out the candle.

   I closed the cupcake back up and put it in the fridge downstairs. Rue barged in my room and I gashed at the scare she gave me. "Sup M. Wanna go to the store with me?" I gave her a deadpan look and then just shrugged because why not?

We made it to the store and I waved at Fez who was sitting on the counter by the register as usual. "Sup Mel, how you been? Ain't seen ya in awhile." I blushed, "I know and I'm sorry I've just been chillin around at home. How are you?" He nodded slowly at my response and gave a light hearted smile, "I been pretty good, just workin, sleepin, n eatin." I smiled back and headed to the drink isle for a can of coke again.

     I opened the freezer door and stood on the step to reach for the can. I don't care how dumb I looks, the store is getting their money so me getting what I want to spend my money on shouldn't be their problem.

  As I'm reaching for the soda I hear a noise and turn to see Ash looking at me. Oh goodness.

Author note: im not really a fan of this chapter at all, but it is what it is.

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