Ash POV 3

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I hated sitting in the back. It made me feel like a little kid, and I ain't little. At all.

I frowned at the girl next to me. She was pressed so close to the door that she was practically sitting on it. "Yo, why is you sittin so close to the door?" Melody jumped and wide green eyes met my brown ones. I almost laughed at how much I scared her.

She blinked hard and I wondered if she'd ever respond. I was about to turn back towards the front when she spoke softly. "I-I wanted to uh, give you space." I tilted my head slightly and squinted my eyes at her.

Before I could tell her to sit down like a normal person, Fez announced that we had arrived at Rue's house. Melody turned her head to the front before unbuckling and all but throwing herself out the car.

She shut the back door and smiled at Fez in thanks. Rue waved and linked arms with her cousin as they made their way to the door. Once the girls were safely inside Fez drove off to drop off Lexi next.

Lexi spoke up, breaking the peaceful silence. "Mel seems sweet." "Yeah she's fool people according to Rue, but with what happened, she don't talk much." Fez replied back slowly, clearly high. "What happened?" I asked, now curious about Rue's cousin that I'd never heard of before tonight. "Her parents died in a car crash 4 weeks ago. She moved out here from New York right after it happened." Fez explained, clearly educated on Melody's tragic life.

I'm not surprised Fez knew all this. Rue may be a good person, but sometimes she had a big mouth.

I thought back to the girl and wondered how someone could go through something so dark and depressing and still show up at a party. I'm sure Rue was to blame for her presence tonight, but I was still curious.

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