Chapter 3: Need Some Help?

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"Need some help," Leo had just called to me. The plastic handle of the kite was still firmly in my hand as my face remained bright pink.

"Oh no, I've got it," I lied, hating how I nearly stammered. I could already hear his fence squeaking as he opened it. I just kept studying the grass as I heard his footsteps growing nearer. I put on my best smile when he finally reached me.

"Here." He carefully took the kite from me, running as he gripped the bundle of string, the wind eventually catching the bright red and orange diamond. I looked up at how it was now fluttering in the sky, going over to where he now stood.

"Thanks. How did you do that?"

"You just have to run fast enough, and make sure it's catching the wind at the same time. You want to try again?" He looked directly at me as I felt my body freezing up.

"Sure," I managed to get out. He lowered the kite, his fingers brushing against mine as he positioned my hands just right.

"You want me to hold it for you, while you run? It will be easier that way."

"Okay." I wasn't sure if that's what I wanted. I would agree with anything he said at this point, since he was making my brain go numb. I started running, hearing him shouting to me how I needed to move faster. It was difficult with how my legs were much shorter than his. After a few tries I finally was able to do it, feeling a bit sad when he seemed to be leaving. "Are you going back home?"

"Yeah, I thought about getting in the pool. I know it's windy, but it's still fucking hot." He removed his shirt right in front of me, and I literally made the kite fall. I was embarrassed at how he definitely caught me gawking at him. It was hard not to study ever inch of his toned, freshly tanned skin. "You want to join me?"

"Oh, no, I'll just try the kite again," I reacted, but I couldn't stop staring at his back as he left. The way his shoulder blades moved with each stride, and how there was traces of sweat glistening on the back of his neck was driving me insane. When he turned he shot me the faintest of smirks, and it was like he he had transformed into a completely different person. When he was around his mom and my grandma he seemed so down to earth and sweet, but now... It was like he was the bad boy type you're always warned to stay away from. I only half heartedly ran to put the kite back up into the air as I watched Leo jump into the large pool. When he came back up, brushing his hair straight back, I almost fell to my knees when I abruptly stopped in front of a glass, round table and a few white, wrought iron chairs. I was starting to debate whether I should take up his offer. Before I could decide, my grandmother called me in for lunch, but all I could think about the whole afternoon was Leo's sexy body. I kept peeking past my blinds late at night, seeing the pool lit up through the gaps in the fence. I didn't fall asleep until well past midnight.

The next time I saw Leo was during the crochet club. He was now back in his casual clothes and I had tried to dress cute myself.

"Leo, why don't you help out Fern on getting started," his mom kindly suggested. He pretended to not be thrilled being there, sitting right next to me. The other ladies were already busy chatting and working on pre-existing projects.

"Alright, do you want to knit a pot holder or a scarf first? They're two of the easiest things to do," he told me, licking his lips as he pulled out a crochet hook.

"I think a scarf would be more fun. It probably takes longer though, doesn't it," I guessed.

"Yeah, but you can just work on it whenever you come back here. What color do you want?"

"Pink," I answered with hesitation, him gathering the supplies.

"Alright, all you do is this...," he trailed off, demonstrating first.

I was struggling to do it as perfectly as him, but that's when he took my hand to guide me. My face felt like it was burning up as we kept working together. I hadn't even realized the session was over, and that he had spent an entire hour touching my hand.

"Leo, you can't always do everything for her," his mom teased, causing his own face to flush as he gave her a stony expression.

"I was just helping her out on her first day," he defended, me hating how that caused him to stand and go out to their car.

"So, what did you think of your first time here," my grandma asked me as I helped her clean up the room.

"It was nice," I admitted.

"I saw how close you and Leo were. That boy couldn't keep his eyes off of you," she playfully said, giving me a knowing smile.

"I don't think he's into me like that."

"Mhm... Sure," she dragged out before shutting off the light in the centre. I shook my head before reading my magazine during the ride home. I kept staring at the article on John Stamos. I still found him attractive, but now my thoughts were racing towards Leo. Instead of seeing my celebrity crush I was seeing a boy with blonde hair more clearly.

I explained all the recent events to Courtney on the phone in my room later. I just stared up at the ceiling as I kept going on.

"Now I really want to visit, so I can see what he's like," she confessed.

"Yeah, but I'm afraid you would embarrass me. You might purposely get his attention for me."

"But don't you like how that helps you out? Maybe I can even get you a date with him."

I laughed a little bit before sitting up against my pillows. "I'm sure you could, but I don't want to seem too forward at first. I don't think guys like it when you ask them out."

"That's why you do it subtly. You flirt first, and then if you ask him out then he won't mind. You can't just tell him you like him on day one. You have to build up to it."

"I've never been the flirting type."

"Which is exactly why there wasn't any build before you confessed your feelings to guys before. Can we please have a sleepover tomorrow night? I miss you, and I really could get you closer to Leo," she pleaded, causing me to sigh softly.

"Fine, as long as my grandma's okay with it. But no embarrassing me, promise?"

"I can't promise that, Fern. You know that you get embarrassed easily."

"Okay, fine, but just don't overdo it," I caved.

"I wonder what kind of guy he really is. The way you described him it sounds like he has two sides to himself. The one for in front of his family, and the other for girls. Maybe he's a player."

"Don't sound so happy about it." I didn't like how excited she sounded on the end.

"I'm not happy exactly. I just mean, maybe he's the sexy bad boy type when you date him. Those kind are so hot, and you've never exactly been close to one of those."

"That's because they usually want to sleep around," I reminded her.

"You really think this Leo guy is a virgin? He sounds hotter than the sun the way you've described him," she emphasized.

I shrugged even though she couldn't see me, getting up to ask for permission about the sleepover before my grandma went to bed. She was already putting on some night cream in the bathroom, her hair up in pink rollers.

"Hey, Grandma, can Courtney come over for a sleepover tomorrow," I checked.

"Yeah, that's fine. You don't really have to ask. Just tell me whenever she's coming. Any day is good," she explained.

"Okay, thank you," I happily replied, telling Courtney the good news straight after.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. :) I'm really looking forward to writing about Courtney and Fern's sleepover. I can only imagine what they'll get up to, since I mostly write what's happening next as I go along. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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