Chapter 10: Fireflies

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I went to bed early that night, my grandma seeming a bit concerned. I think she assumed that Leo and I had gotten into a fight. I just lied awake, unable to get any rest for hours. My eyes were just beginning to droop closed when my door opened a crack.

"Fern, are you awake," my grandmother softly asked.

"Yeah," I reluctantly answered.

"Someone's here to see you."

"Who is it?" I knew Leo was probably the most logical since he lived close, but I also thought of Courtney. I sat up as my grandma stepped into the room a little bit.

"You have to go outside to see them. Do you need to get dressed?"

"No, I never put my pajamas on. I just kept what I had on earlier," I confessed, curiously following her throughout the house. We eventually reached the french doors, and I took a deep breath before opening them. I felt breathless when I saw Leo standing in the yard, a beautiful smile on his face as fireflies flew around. My grandma gently shut the door behind me as I went up to him.

"I'm sorry things got so out of hand earlier. I wanted to make it up to you," Leo explained.

"You don't have to apologize. It was just as much my fault too. We shouldn't have been kissing in that position. Either one of us could have stopped it."

"I still felt bad about how our afternoon ended. You want to catch fireflies with me?"

I felt my heart melting as I took the decent sized jar he handed me. "But shouldn't we just leave them be?"

"We'll release them after we have our snack."

"Okay," I giggled, having the time of my life as we ran across the grass. I was struggling to catch many fireflies, but Leo already had a decent amount. He helped me to fill up my own jar, me smiling at the soft glow. We carefully placed the containers on the round, glass outdoor table. I couldn't stop myself from giggling again when Leo held up a pack of Oreo cookies. He even had a couple cartons of white milk, which I knew were from my grandmother's refrigerator. She got them for free every week at a senior citizen dinner. I smiled more when Leo put the small straws in each of them.

"I got paper straws, since they're better for the environment," he told me.

"That's okay. Everything about this is perfect."

"Now, how do you eat your Oreos?" He raised an eyebrow as we both held one up.

"I slide it apart, eat the white filling, and then the two chocolate pieces," I answered, demonstrating as I smirked while I finished chewing.

"Alright, I dunk mine into milk, so I guess I'll have to rip my carton completely open." He did just that, a bit of the drink dribbling down his chin after he consumed his cookie.

"You have a little something...," I trailed off.

"Fuck, I swear this only happens around you," he lowly chuckled, us both remembering when he got the pudding around his mouth.

"So, do you have anything else planned?"

"I wouldn't tell you if I did. It would ruin the surprise." He raised his eyebrow before dunking another Oreo. Once we finished up our food, we let all of the fireflies go, which was such a mesmerizing sight to see them flying into the night sky. We eventually lied on the ground to gaze up at the stars, Leo holding my hand and intertwining our fingers snuggly. He kept lifting my arm as he pointed out constellations, explaining backstories behind them.

"What planets can we see from Earth," I questioned after a brief silence.

"Venus is over there," he pointed out, causing the corners of my mouth to twitch upwards, since he used my hand with his to do that again.

"It's so white and bright like a star," I observed.

"Yeah. I'm not sure if I see any others right now." He squinted his eyes before leading me to another constellation. He literally connected the dots with our fingers together, and I felt like I was floating in outer space. I accidentally yawned as the hours drew on, Leo looking over at me as I turned my head in his direction too. "You getting tired?"

"Yeah." I nodded getting ready to stand up, but he stopped me.

"I brought sleeping bags. Your grandma said we could sleep out here as long as we stayed in separate ones," he softly chuckled.

"Okay," I agreed, taking the dark blue one he handed me, while he kept the red. We unrolled them before undoing the zippers, so we could get inside. We looked over at each other before just smiling widely and laughing a little. "I miss kissing you already." I gave him a subtle pout as he playfully rolled his eyes.

"I come to apologize, and you make things complicated again," he teased, cupping the side of my face with his hand. It was different when our lips connected this time. His kisses were so tender, and I would say love filled if we weren't just in the beginning stages of a crush. Even his tongue seemed to rub against mine more sensually, but it wasn't a lust filled frenzy like before. When we parted I was glad that he couldn't see my rosy cheeks in the dark.

When the morning sunrise washed over our faces, I opened my eyes to see that we were holding hands. I couldn't help but smile as Leo stayed fast asleep, his chest rising and falling gently. I carefully released him, so that I could head into the house for breakfast. My stomach was already growling a little bit as I found my grandma already up in the kitchen.

"How was your night with Leo," she kindly asked me as she poured coffee for herself.

"It was so nice. I can't believe he held my hand all night," I blushed.

"Yeah, I saw you two out there together. You were so cute."

"Is breakfast ready yet? I'm feeling pretty hungry."

"I can make you a couple of eggs. How do you want them?"

"Over easy, please," I responded, my heart leaping when Leo showed up. It was funny how his hair was fluffed up, but he was still gorgeous.

"Do you want some eggs too," my grandmother politely checked.

"Yeah, scrambled eggs are fine," he replied, yawning as he scratched his head.

We cuddled on the couch after eating, me just flipping through channels until I stopped on a rerun of Roseanne. Leo had mentioned it was his favorite show, and I wanted to watch something he would like.

"It seems like we keep spending nights together," he huskily whispered to me. He wasn't even trying to sound that sexy, he just still had a bit of a morning voice. I shivered before trying to move to cover it up, but I could sense his knowing smile.

"Yeah, but they're some of my favorites," I shared, loving how he kissed the top of my head and rubbed my opposite arm.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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