Chapter 9: A Bit Worried

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"Where were you two? We didn't see you on the trail," my grandmother told me once we were all finished with our small hike.

"We explored some more of the forest off the trail...," I trailed off, knowing that the bright blush would surely give me away. It didn't help either that my lips were slightly red and swollen along with Leo's, since we had kissed for so long.

"Mhm," she reacted, not seeming entirely pleased with my answer.

"Are we heading home now?"

"Yeah, I see Tobey and Courtney coming from the lake."

I turned my head to see the duo, noticing that Courtney had the biggest smile on her face.

"I skipped a rock at least three times on the lake," she proudly told me, brushing her hair back with her hand.

"That's great," I plainly replied, a bit skeptical about how happy she seemed. I wondered if something more had happened between them. When we finally got back to the house we went straight into my room, Tobey and Leo at his house. "So, did something happen with you and Tobey," I brought up as I sat on my bed.

"No, we just had the best time together. He's a lot of fun, and we never took the trail since we were having such a good time at the lake," she admitted.

"Oh. So, you don't have a crush on him?"

"Fern, not every guy I meet I'm going to have a crush on. Sometimes they're just good friends. I figured you would be happy we hung out, so you and Leo could be alone. What was that all about?"

"What do you mean," I hesitantly asked, feeling the blood rise to my cheeks.

"I saw the way you looked when you got back." She wore a discreet smirk as I studied the pink carpet.

"We might have made out for like an hour."

Her mouth dropped, but then it just turned into a smile. "I had a feeling that's what happened. I can't believe you're kissing him like that so soon. You've always been the innocent one between us."

"Well, he makes me feel safe and happy, and kissing is a way we just feel close to each other. We've talked before."

"But now you've traded that for kissing, right?"

"Well..." I didn't finish before she interrupted me.

"Don't sweat it, Fern. I've been there before. It's exciting when you first get in a relationship, and kissing is one of those new exciting parts of it. You don't have to be embarrassed or anything."

"I know. I just don't want my grandma to get the wrong idea. She already caught me when I snuck out the other night to swim with Leo at three in the morning," I explained.

"Your grandma is pretty understanding, Fern. A lot of adults would not tolerate Leo slipping up and cursing like that in front of them," she slightly laughed.

"That's true..." I heard a tapping sound, looking at the window in confusion. I raised the blinds to be met with ocean eyes, Leo giving me the sweetest smile. I opened up the window to see what he wanted.

"Hey, you want to come over? Tobey just went home," Leo said.

"I'm still hanging out with Courtney."

"No, that's okay. I should be getting home anyway. I'll see you soon," Courtney promised before giving me a wink.

I looked at Leo again as I mustered a small smile. "I guess I'm free now."

"Alright, just come in through the gate," he told me.

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