Chapter 5: You Should Talk More

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The next morning Courtney and I spent it having fresh orange juice, bacon, and scrambled eggs in the kitchen. My grandma also made toast for us, but we were already becoming full. My grandpa was drinking coffee, while she got more from the pot for herself.

"So, how long can you stay here today," I asked Courtney as she took her first bite of the buttered toast.

"I'll probably leave right before noon. My mom and I are going to walk in the park together."

I nodded as we finished up our meal, just spending the rest of the time watching television. We were still tired from staying out so late at the fair.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer. I'll come over again soon though, okay," Courtney asked, giving me a hug at the door as her mom waited in the car.

"Okay. It's okay, honestly. We went to the fair together yesterday, and we got a chance to catch up on things."

"You mostly spent time with Leo," she faintly smirked. "But that's okay, because that's how I planned it. That's why I purposely left you guys after we ate."

"I figured that out," I said, me waving to her as she left. I was lost on what to do as I shuffled back into the living room. I thought about typing a short story on my grandfather's typewriter, but my heart jumped when I heard a tapping on the french doors' window. I was confused when I saw Leo standing there, opening up the door.

"You doing anything right now," he checked, my heart continuously leaping.

"Not really. Why?"

"I want to show you something." He gently grabbed my wrist, which made all my senses come alive. I barely shut the door behind me as we ventured further into the yard until passing through the gate into his.

I gasped when I saw the four kittens in his garage, them meowing as they walked around a little.

"I accidentally left the door open last night and they showed up. I think the mother cat moved them here," Leo explained as he touched the back of his neck.

"What are you going to do with them? I mean, are you going to keep them," I wondered.

"No, there's no way my mom would want to have cats. We already have a dog."

"They're so small. Is it okay if I pick one up?"

"I think so. My mom and I will probably start helping to take care of them. We might leave out some food, or put a fan in here when it's hot out. That might be why they came in the first place. It shields them from the bright sun."

"This calico kitten is adorable. Are you going to name them anyway?" I held her in my arms as she looked up at me.

"Probably. We'll make sure they get good homes when they get a little bigger. I haven't even shown my mom them yet," he lowly chuckled.

"What made you think of showing me?"

"You just seemed like you would like them. We had fun looking at the animals at the fair last night. I don't know," he shrugged, picking up a black and white kitten.

I vaguely nodded until his mom showed up, her mouth dropping when she saw the felines.

"What do have we here," she cooed, already holding one with black fur. "When did they show up?"

"Sometime in the night, I think. I forgot to shut the garage door," Leo sheepishly admitted.

"You need to remember to do that."

"I know I have a bad habit of doing that. I'm sorry, Mom."

"So, is the mother cat still taking care of them?"

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