Chapter 4: You Have a Boy Who Likes You

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Courtney showed up the next morning with her dark blue duffel bag in tow. I helped her with getting set up in my room that had two beds, which was convenient.

"So, where's Leo," she wondered, seeming happier than me.

"We haven't even had lunch yet," I slightly laughed. "He's usually out in his yard in the afternoon. We can see if he's around then." I playfully rolled my eyes before we headed into the living room to watch television. She kept flipping through the satellite channels until we decided to watch a rerun of Full House.

"Is Leo better looking than John Stamos," Courtney questioned during a commercial break. She was comfortable on a recliner, only she was sideways on it, while I had opted for lying on the couch. We just felt lazy and a little sleepy with it being earlier in the day.

"Well...," I trailed off, feeling the red covering my cheeks.

She gaped at me as I braced myself for her reaction. "He's better looking than that? How is that even possible? John Stamos is like the hottest guy of every year."

"Well, he's just good looking in a different way. They don't look anything alike, so it's kind of hard to compare them."

She nodded just as I heard a light tapping on the french doors, my heart leaping when Leo was standing there. He gave us a small wave before I went to let him in.

"Did you need something," I asked.

"Your grandma said she had some leftover brownies for me and my mom," he explained.

"Oh yeah, she made way too many last night. I'll go get them for you." I felt a little more confident having my best friend in the room with me, but I didn't like how she was staring.

I ran into my grandma while getting the sweets. She was just about to start preparing lunch.

"You can invite Leo to stay for lunch," she told me.

"Are you sure that's not too many people? I mean, Courtney's here too," I pointed out.

"Of course not. He can even stay in the living room with you girls until lunch is ready if he wants."

"Okay." I decided not to argue, especially since I wanted Leo to stay. I could tell that Courtney was excited when he agreed to it. He ended up taking the spot beside me on the couch like last time, causing butterflies to flutter in my tummy.

"So, have you been to the fair yet this summer," Courtney piped up, forgetting about the current program.

"No. Isn't it only around for like a week," Leo responded.

"Yeah, tonights the last night. Would you want to go with us?"

I wanted to die on the spot as I thought of him joining us. He just made me so nervous that it could drive me crazy.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun. We better not eat too much, so we can fill up on carnival food later," he lowly chuckled.

"Good idea. I definitely want an elephant ear," she agreed.

"So, is Full House one of your favorite shows," he guessed, looking at the screen.

"Yeah, John Stamos is our favorite actor ever. He's so good looking."

I couldn't believe she said that out loud to Leo, me shyly studying the side wall until I heard him speak up.

"Do you think he's good looking, Fern?" The way he spoke my name made chills ripple throughout my body, and I was glad it didn't visibly show.

"Yeah...," I trailed off, not sure how else to respond.

I didn't expect time to move so quickly and for Leo to be driving us to the fair. We went on a few rides first, so that we wouldn't get sick after eating. When the sun was beginning to set we picked up corndogs. I dipped mine in mustard, while Leo and Courtney opted for ketchup.

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