episode 3

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Lisa arrived at her work place and almost immediately got to work.She was peacefully doing her job when suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her back,it was Sooha,that stubborn bitch,she hit her..very hard.

"What? Get back to work you slut oh and don't think I don't know that you're sleeping with our manager,it's obvious since the both of you have such a close relationship,what a whore" Sooha accused Lisa of sleeping with the manager all the time and she even threatens to reveal this to all of their coworkers if Lisa didn't do what Sooha demands her to do,so she's basically blackmailing her.

Lisa's eyes slowly began to fill up with tears as she really can't do anything because if she did she would basically be forced to quit her job because of the rumor that Sooha threatened to reveal even though none of what she said was true at all,yes Lisa and her manager have a close bond but that's because he sees her as his own daughter and not a replacement for his wife that he can just sleep with whenever he wants,His daughter recently moved to New York to study abroad.He just misses her a lot.

"Ok...let's see" their manager said as he was checking his clipboard "Lisa you're off now,you can go home" he said as his lips curled into a smile.Lisa quickly sucked back her tears in and said "Oh yeah I'll be gone now,goodnight."

This wasn't how Lisa normally acted at work,she was usually always smiling and so talkative.Even though she's an introvert she still was very friendly and always stopped what she was doing just to help others but...has she ever tried to help herself? will she ever try to help herself? well i'm sure everything is gonna be alright I mean she has her wonderful friends,her parents,her manager and she may even have Chan with her,who knows.

"Lisa,are you okay? are you sick? did someone hurt you? is everythi-" he was cut off by Lisa "I'm alright! a-um no worries sir,everything and everyone is okay" Lisa said as she forced a big smile on her face,she always did,she rarely has any real smiles other than when she hangs out with her friends.

"Ah ok,let me say you had me worried there for a brief moment" he laughed "oh I'm sorry for worrying you sir" she said with a small chuckle.

She quickly excited the restaurant and immediately started crying,she started running to the bus stop as fast as she could.All she wanted to do was just slam her face into her pillow and cry herself to sleep.

                     Time skip

Chan got on the bus to go home,he just got done grocery shopping.As he was getting on the bus he saw Lisa and he obviously couldn't just leave her alone after all he was actively stalking her,he knew everything about her more than she did herself.

"Lisa? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" Chan said in a worried tone.Lisa looked up to see Chan looking at her with a concerned look and she quickly wiped away her tears. "Oh um hey yeah I'm fine and I'm not crying,everything's alright" she once again forced a smile. "You sure? Your face is all red and so are your eyes." Chan pointed out
"Dude I'm ok.enough about me how was your day?" Lisa quickly changed the subject "oh uh it was good I just got done grocery shopping,what about you?" Chan answered and asked. "Oh it was good too all I did was just hang out with my friends and work." Lisa laughed.

It was quite unnecessary that Chan asked about how her day was since he already knew,he is always watching.

"Oh my I'm so rude please sit" Lisa said as she quickly got up and insisted on him sitting. "Oh how kind of you" Chan said.

15 minutes have passed and the bus was getting wobbly.Lisa was basically forced down because she was standing and just holding onto a handle won't stop her from falling.She fell down on Chan's lap and immediately froze,all she wanted to do now was just disappear from this world but of course she couldn't. "o-oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I really didn't" Lisa said as she got got up but Chan held her down by putting his hand on her hips. "No it's fine stay,I'm sure you're exhausted from standing" Chan said.

Lisa was shocked like no other,she cannot process was just happened and the fact that she was on his lap. "Y-yeah but aren't I too heavy? I should probably just stand" Lisa said as she tried to get up."No really sit I insist" Chan insisted while holding on to her waist."No you're gonna get very uncomf-" Lisa was cut off."I said sit" Chan demanded as he looked her in the eyes with an intimidating yet sexy look on his face.

Lisa could tell he really wanted,no needed her to sit on his lap and it was making her blush like crazy. "hmh you're blushing,cutie" Chan pointed out. "W-what? Oh I'm uh I blush easily I guess" Lisa tried laughing it off but all she could think about during the rest of the ride was how attractive he was. "Hey Lisa do you want to go back to my place for a bit?" Chan asked. "Y-yeah sure" Lisa stuttered while answering.

There's no way she could be developing..


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