episode 4

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Both Chan and Lisa just got off of the bus and went into the apartment building,they got into the elevator and went to the 13th floor where Chan's place was.Chan put in the code to his door and held it open just for Lisa to get in. "Oh thank you." Lisa thanked the older. "No problem,darling." Chan said.

"Oh my god did he just call me 'darling'? This cannot be real" Lisa thought to herself as she was freaking out about the pet name Chan just gave her.

As she entered his apartment she couldn't help but focus on how clean and organized he was,he is definitely her type.Lisa took off her shoes and sat on the couch. "Wanna eat something? Or I could get you a drink if you'd like." Chan asked. "Oh u-um I'll just have a water thank you." Lisa stuttered as she seemed...nervous and unfortunately Chan noticed.
"Come one now,why are you so nervous around me? It's not like we're strangers or anything." Chan asked in confusion. "I'm so sorry! I think it's because I haven't eaten yet,that's all but don't worry I'm alright." Lisa said as she tried to hide her face as it was all flustered and red. "Yeah that's it you stay here and I'm going to the convenience store to get you something to eat because if you think I'm just gonna let you starve then you must be insane." Chan said in anger "oh and make yourself at home,sweetheart." Chan spoke one last time before he got out of his apartment leaving Lisa all speechless and shook with how he got all mad that she wasn't eating and by his pet names,he's done it again and Lisa was going crazy over it.

Time skip

15 minutes have passed and Lisa felt the need to use the restroom so she got herself up and went to his bathroom.She had quite a hard time searching for it but she eventually found it.As she got into his bathroom she smelled that familiar smell of his cologne that not only filled up his bathroom but his bedroom too.She was all done with her business and was washing her hands when she suddenly noticed her underwear that vanished one day in his laundry basket,that same one that Chan was masturbating to but she didn't know that so she just brushed it off and blamed it on her being hungry which she thought was getting to her head.

Chan finally came back home and set the bags onto to the kitchen island.Lisa immediately got up and went to check what he got since she was so hungry. "ohh what'd you get?" Lisa asked in excitement.Chan laughed at her cuteness and said " well.. I got us two cup ramen for the both of us,cheese to put in with the ramen and two corn dogs for the each of us.I hope you like them." Chan answered her. "I sure do,I'm so excited to eat all of this! Thank you,Chan." Lisa said in amusement. "And I also got you some strawberry and banana milk.You like it,right?" Chan asked as he pulled out the drink. "Oh well Chan I'm actually allergic to strawberries and bananas.I'm so sorry I can go return them for you!" Lisa said. "No no it's okay I've got some soda in my fridge it's alright.Don't worry,dear."

There he goes again with those pet names.It's making her go feral.

"Y-yeah it's fine,I'll have soda." Lisa said as she felt her cheeks get hot. "Mmm~ your cheeks are all red." Chan teased. "W-what no they're not." Lisa said,feeling embarrassed while trying to protest.Chan laughed at how cute she was whenever she was embarrassed,flustered or nervous,it satisfied him a lot especially with how close he was getting to her and he was proud of it.

Time skip

They had just got done eating and decided to watch a movie.As they both sat down Chan noticed a little blob of sauce on Lisa's top left corner of her mouth. "Oh let me get that." the taller said as he pulled out his thumb,reached out towards her face and wiped it off.Lisa couldn't help but admire his beautiful features since she was very close to his face. "Th-thank you." Lisa thanked him. "Anytime,love."

This time she was sure she's going crazy because she cannot handle him when he's just throwing out pet names like that.For some strange reason she found him 100x more attractive than before even though it's the bare minimum that he's doing.

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