Part 8

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Hello Beautiful People..!!

Not so early update but only on the reader's popular demand.. ✊✊
Also, have you guys seen that I have added the situation songs which carries the essence of the update..👀👀

Anyways, here's your update.. :)





Ruhaanika was studying seriously but Uday was completely distracted, he was so lost in Ruhaanika and her behaviour while concentrating on revising for her exams.

Uday: (thinks) Until this moment, I didn't know how much I have missed you, Ruhaanika. It's difficult to stay close to you and even more difficult to stay away from you. (seeing her tying her hair in a messy bun) Your new hairstyle, earlier you looked pretty with that long hair but the truth is.. no matter what you do to yourself, you are always pretty and this short hair suits you even more, you have become exceptionally pretty. 

Ruhaanika feels his gaze on her, every now and then but she couldn't say anything to him as it would only boost his ego.

Slowly, she completed her target and when it was time to close her books, she saw Uday engrossed in his presentation, so she simply opened some other subjects and started to work on it.

Uday didn't know any of this as he was happy to be around Ruhaanika even if it was them, silently doing their own work.


*A private property, a few miles away from Oxford*

Ruhaanika was looking outside from the window as Uday was about to enter the private property which belonged to Chase's family.

He parked the car near the farmhouse while Ruhaanika's attention was caught by the berry trees. Ruhaanika was looking at them so intently that she didn't see Uday coming and standing beside her.

Uday: Do you want them??

Ruhaanika: I have never seen berry trees. (touching those delicate branches)

Uday:There are many more beautiful plants in, do you want to see them? 

Ruhaanika nods eagerly and they walk towards the back garden where there were many kinds of vegetables, fruits and flowering trees. In short, it was like a mini jungle.

Both of them were stealing glances, there was so much to talk, to clear the communication gap yet they had no words to say. Perhaps, each of their presence was making the other one speechless.

As they reached the mango grooves, she noticed the picnic set up, right in between the trees. She walked ahead leaving Uday behind and immediately he followed her, looping his hands around her waist.

Uday: (whispering right above her ear) Did you like the arrangement, princess?

Ruhaanika nods at him mindlessly but feels goosebumps as his deep voice resonates in her ears. His woodsy, musky scent fills her lungs making her feel an insatiable need to be near him.

On the other hand, Uday's mind was filled with the scenes that happened back in their university, when he lifted her and walked towards the football ground.

Ruhaanika smiled shyly as she remembered those girls conversation about them. She couldn't help but blush thinking of them being together for the rest of their lives.

As they were lost in their own thoughts, three butlers appeared out of nowhere and brought freshly baked cake, juice and some other items and set them on the wooden table.

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