Return to Earth

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( As quickly as they can, the Autonius and the Destiny speed toward the Earth. In hopes of making it there in time)

( Seven hours later aboard the Inferno )

" Flamewar, we've got incoming. Two ships are entering the earth's atmosphere." Said Soundbarrier as Flamewar, Slipstream, and Shatter walked over to her. " Two ships, now of all times. Soundbarrier, whats their designations?" Asked Slipstream. " ( Scanns the ships and then gasp before smiling). It's the Autonus and the Destiny, looks like Solus did what she said that she was going to do." Said Soundbarrier. " Indeed she did, and just in time to. We just lost contact with Sierra." Said Shatter as she presses a few buttons on the screen. " That'll get their attention. Contact them and see if you can send Maxima's last know location." Said Slipstream. " You got it, I'm contacting them now." Said Soundbarrrier as images of Optimus and Causeway appear on screen with Arcee and Elita standing next to them respectively. " Nice to see you guys again, you picked an interesting time to show up. but at least we know that Sierra's message to Solus got through." Said Flamewar.

"What's the situation Slipstream and why are you guys up here and not down there?" asked Arcee. " We'd love to but we have the job of picking up any citizens of Earth and bringing them here to keep them safe while the Hunters try to fight off Mora, Sentinal, and their forces." Said Slipstream. " What about Maxima, how is she doing?" Asked Optimus. " Honestly Prime, we don't know. She's been off the grid since Sential arrived here. Said something about Mora and Sentinal wanted her for something but she wouldn't say what. " Said Shatter. "They're looking for her because Megatronus plans to somehow utilize the Matrix of Solus Prime for some twisted scheme." Said Causeway. " Oh well, you better get down there because we haven't been able to contact Sierra. Raf is trying to locate her signal while he stays aboard the Solarous. Miko is currently training a demolition team so we can't send her. We won't send June because she's a medic here aboard the Inferno until they call her back to the Solarous.

" What about a group called the Torch Beares have you been in contact with them?" Asked Elita. " If that was the ship we saw three days ago before it cloaked itself then yes. We don't know where it is now after it entered the Earth's atmosphere." Said Shatter. " Look, we can't join you since we're still looking for a place that is safe on the earth for its people. but if you want to help, I suggest that you head down there now." Said Flamewar. " Thank you Flamewar and good luck." Said Optimus as the Autonus and the Destiny quickly entered Earth's atmosphere. 

( Three hours later)

" Once we're down there, myself, Optimus, Arcee,  Override, Strongarm, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee will head over to  Sierra's last known location. The rest of you will search for the  Solarous and find out what you can learn. Hopefully, the Torch Bearers are there along with Rodimus Prime. We need info on what's been happening here. When you're done, contact us and inform us of what you've found. " Said  Causeway as she and her group looked at those aboard the Autonius from the main screen. " Im excited to see how Miko's doing in all of this. She sounds like she's grown a lot since then." Said Bulkhead. " Same here,  it Sounds like Raf's updated his skills since the last time we met. The kid must be a natural by now." Said  Bumblebee. " You think you guys are excited to see your partners? June's finally gotten some recognition for her skills as a nurse,  she's probably earned that degree that she always talked about and is the chief medical officer aboard the Solarous" Said  Arcee. 

" Hate to rain on your parade  guys, but we're getting a transition from the Solarous Telling us to answer it immediately." Said  Override. " Do it, I need to know what's going on." Said  Elita as an image of Isis appears on their screens. " Nice to see you guys again,  if you're about to go looking for  Maxima. You'll want to head over here first. I know Slipstram told you about Sierra's signal but you'll need to head over here now. Pyra and her team found  Sierra,  but you won't believe what she's got with her." Said Isis. " We're on our way Isis,  once there. We will require a full debrief on the situation regarding the war." Said  Optimus. " You got it Prime,  see you guys when you get here." Said  Isis as she ended the transmission. 

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