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( A couple of days after the battle and the death of the Decepticons. The autobots returned to their respective ships. Causeway was currently talking to Sierra, Lacey, Mark, and Lacey's group. The hunters, Causeway, Elita, Optimus, and  Arcee stood right behind her)

"  It was nice hanging out with you guys, I'm glad I got to know you guys." Said Maxima as she knelt down in front of Mark as he laid his right hand on her leg. " Will we ever see you again? I gonna miss having you with us for movie night." Said Mark. " ( Smiles at Mark and then looks at  Lacey's car as an idea comes to mind). I got an idea. ( Opens her cheast and then aims her matrix at Lacey's car along with Lana's, Valery, and Clair's as a beam shoots out and hits the car. Before stopping the beam and then closes her cheast). Ok, Swift, Mercy, Rose, and Flux transform and head over here. ( Looks behind her). Skystriker, Shadow, split your team and have one group stay here with Swift. Gladius,  you need to get over here to. ( aits till half of the hunters are across from her and then looks at Rose, Swift, Mercy, and Flux ). You three, head over to that group,  you'll be with them. ( Looks at  Gladius, Skyshadow, I need you guys to stay here and help keep these humans safe. Swift, Rose, and Mercy, Your primary job is to protect the family that is next to you. I made sure you knew whose car your vehicle mode belongs to. Protect those people, Skyshadow and  Gladisu will focus on assisting the U.S. government with extra-terrestrial threats and only extra-terrestrial threats only. ( Looks behind her at  Skyshadow and Gladius). Am I understood?" Said  Maxima.

" Yes ma'am, Understood." Said Skyshadow as she and her half of her and Skyskystriker's team saluted to her. While  Skystrikers half left for the Solarus. " ( Looks at Mark). Sierra tells me that you want to be a part of your mother and her squad in the future.  That's why I have decided for them to start your training once you're old enough. You will only be squading up with Sierra, your mother, Sierra, and her team, and them only. This will help make your training stronger. ( Pats Mark on his shoulder and then stands up).  I'll be seeing you guys later. I'll stop by when I can. ( Walks toward the Solarus with the rest of the Hunters and then looks behind her as she walks away). Stay safe you guys,  and newbies. If there is any trouble or you need help. Do not hesitate to contact me." Said Maxima as she and the rest of the Hunters left for the Solarus. while Optimus, Arcee, and Elita headed toward the Autonus. Causeway and her fellow Amazons headed toward the Destiny. 

( Meanwhile on Caminus twenty hours later)

" The two of you exhibited poor judgment in ignoring my calls. Had you answered when you were requested to?  Maxima would not have nearly died and we could have ended the rain of  Megatronus before it began. The  Solarus will be landing here shortly and when it does. The two of tow be on guard duty for the temple where we will be housing  Solus Prime along with her hammer. After that, you must leave Caminus and head to Cybertron. once there you will be under the command of  Elita-one  for the remainder of your lives until I deem it time for you to return home." Said  The  Mistress of Flame as the  Solarus landed in the landing bay area.

Fallen Daughter of a Prime part two: Return to EarthWhere stories live. Discover now