Return of Maximus Prime

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( As Causeways Group set off to speak with Mitra. The rest of the autobots set out to try and occupy Mora and the rest of her Decepticon forces. As they drove toward the battle, Arcee and Elita could only hope and pray that Optimus and  Causeway would be able to  bring back the last member of the family )

" ( Spots  Mora and her decepticons attacking Humans with Fowler and an army of marines and military soldiers try to stop them). Eyes up team,  Decepticons are straight ahead. ( Looks at her rearview mirror and notices that the  Hunters are not with them). Where are the Hunters?" Said  Elita. " I told them to go with Optimus's team, figured it would be better if they had more backup in case Megatronus send some decepticons to attack Mitra and the family that she's with." Said Arcee. " Fine, that just means that we'll have to becare with how we do this." Said Elita. " Don't worry about it, we got this. It just means we have to hold out until they bring her back." Said  Rodimus. " He's right, if anyone can bring Mitra back it's Causeway and Optimus." Said  Arcee. " Ok then, windblade, you and  Slipstream will lead the fliers and keep the deception air division busy. Rodimus, since the Furies trust you. I'll leave helping with the evacuation to you. We need to make sure that no humans are caught in this war." Said  Elita. 

" That may be harder than you think Elita. I just patched into Folwers radio chatter, he's got soldiers all over the city looking for civilians. If we wanna help them, we'll need to draw the cons to us." Said Chromia. "You may be right Chromia. Alright then, Windblade and Slipstream. Stay with your mission. We'll draw the rest of the Decepticons to us. Rodimus,  your team will still search the city for civilians and lure the deceptions to us. Once that's done your team will hunker down with the rest of us."Said  Elita. "Let's get this party started." Said Rodimus as he and his team drove off to find any human civilians while Elita's team transformed once they found a good play to take cover and began to shoot at the decepticons. Windblade and  Slipstream lead the sky team in a dogfight with the Decepticon fliers.

" ( Notices how the Decepticons stopped shooting at him and his men before watching them run off somewhere else while shooting in that direction). What in the heck is going on here? ( Looks at where the Decepticons are attacking and spots the autobots). LOOK ALIVE BOYS AND GIRLS, OUR BACKUP IS HERE!"Said Fowler as he gets a call on his radio and then answers it. " Agent Fowler, we'll keep the cons busy while you and the rest of you men evacuate the civilians that are with you. We have two other teams in the city as well. One team will occupy the Decepticon air division. The third is currently searching the city and assisting your men with finding any civilian stragglers." Said Chromia. " Thanks, my boys and I will leave to go secure the civilians. I'll leave two teams to stay at this location. They'll stay to give you some support." Said Fowler as he and some of his men left their post while two teams stayed behind. " Roger that, keep us posted on your situation." Said Chromia. " I shall keep myself hidden until Megatronus shows himself. For I fear he is waiting for something." Said  Solus as she disappeared into thin air. 

(Over with Mitra, she was hanging out with Mark while Mark's mother Lacey was talking to some of her old squad members from back in her SWAT days)

" (  Rolls a rubber ball with two of her fingers toward Mark with a smile). Having fun Mark? ( Stops the ball with her left pointer finger and then rolls it back to him). Though I wonder what your mom is talking about with her friends." Said Mitra." I don't know, but they're some of her best friends from back when mom was in the military." Said Mark. " Really, that sounds like. ( Suddenly gets an alert on her radar and then stands up ). Hold on there Mark, I just spotted something on my scanner. If you're gonna follow me out of this room,  stay by your mom." Said  Mitra as she walked through the large door that Lacey had made for her. " ( Laughs at a joke that her friend Tonya had said before looking to her left and spotting  Mitra walking past them as her battle mask activates). Something wrong Mitra, did you spot something? ( Signals her friends to grab their weapons and gear with a hand signal). Is it something we should be worried about?" Asked Lacey. ( Looks out through a window and spots twenty vehicles with the deception insignia on them and activated her left arm-blaster as she looks at Lacey and her friends who have all grabbed their weapons and are hiding behind cover).  Decepticons are heading this way. " Said  Mitra as she got behind Wall that was tall enough for us to hide behind.

Fallen Daughter of a Prime part two: Return to EarthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon