Chapter 6: plan for invasion

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In the distant future Rodav appears on the other side of the portal and lands on the other side of Cyborg planet in a grave yard piled with mountains of robot parts, Rodav was confused and wondered why he was there he was supposed to land back in the city, he thought he'd try something and concentrated and focused and he used his brain powers to bring all the dead cyborgs back to life, their audio systems heard a loud booming voice saying " rise" And telling them to stand up, in one clunk the cyborgs stood up and marched to Rodav and kneeled in front of his tube.

On the other side in the city Zon and his wife heard the Rodav in the chip calling him, Zon and his female cyborg wife and all the other people in the city heard the call and trudged to the cyborg graveyard.

Zon looked over the cyborg pile hill and looked at the big contaomer with the blob in, his mouth dropped in shock and happiness because he long to see his master return, Zon and his wife entered the crowd of a million cyborgs and pushed to the front of the row, the rest that came from the city joined in from the back loaded with weapons and blasters they were pleased for their masters return.

Zon and his wife stepped to the front so Rodav in the container could see and a loud " Zon" came from the container, Rodav was happy to see him, Zon raised his blaster up high and explained while he was gone he had trained the cyborgs to be much more advanced in weaponry and ways of fighting, he said they call him general now, Rodav thought the title was well deserved.

Rodav's booming voice explained as he traveled through the portal it gave him a sense of were Watson went through the portal and as he was half time keeper and had their powers he knew were Watson went, Rodav explained Watson went to a planet called Earth to raise a superhero that will be called Mulk, Rodav remembered and told the armt of cyborgs that Mulk was there when he was reduced to a blob in a jar, Mulk was the one that helped the time keepers defeat him and now he must get revenge.

Rodav commanded Zon to go to planet Earth and find Watson and take him back to cyborg planet and imprison him and then Rodav explained the rest of the cyborg army will travel to earth when the time is right and invade and destroy Mulk and the time keepers, this will be Rodav's revenge, all the cyborgs yelled raising their blasters in the air destroy the time keepers and cheering with glee.

Zon bowed and trudged back to his hut and walked to the back of his house and there was a big spacecraft that had not been in use for a long time, he pulled a remote from his pocket and pressed a single silver round button, the ramp on the ship came down and Zon walked up and walked to the cockpit and started the computer and set the co ordinates for Earth, he pressed a button and turned the lever down and the legs retracted up and the ship began to hover and took off from the ground and a big ball of steam came out the ends of the ship as it went up, as it left the atmosphere and into the starry depth's of space he used the controls to direct the ship to Earth.

He pressed a red button and the ship traveled at light speed and at the end of the light speed it came to a halt and out the window of the ship he saw the blue and green planet, he touched the screen of the window and a screen appeared pulling up a database, he clicked on Earth and it calculated how many people lived on the planet and the number came to a total of 8 million that was a-lot of people, any one of them could be Watson. Zon ran a picture of Watson through a scanner and a green click came up on the screen confirming Watson was hiding on Earth, then the screen changed and a map came up showing a city called Toys-vile, Watson was somewhere there and he knew he was there training this Mulk hero Rodav told him about, Zon decided to land on the outskirts of the town so he couldn't distract anybody and he flew down and headed toward the outskirts of the city.

Back in the Cyborg graveyard Rodav told the army of Cyborgs they will wait and when the time is right they will invade and burn the city to the ground that was the only way to make sure the time keeper's and Mulk were destroyed forever so that they can feel the full force of Rodav.

The cyborgs cheered it was just a matter of waiting, Rodav thought for this he needed a new body to confront the time keepers so Rodav focused and a loud rumble was heard in the ground beneath the cyborgs army's feet and it rumbled loud and the pile of cyborg parts combined together and joined as one to make a  body suit of cyborg parts, Rodav let it go onto the floor and it made a loud clunk and he told the cyborgs in his booming voice to make a chain our of robot parts, they climbed the big crane and dangled robot parts  so they reached the container and dipped in the green water and looped the chain of robot arms around Rodav and hoisted him up and the cyborgs used their mind to move the crane to the top of the robot body and they dropped the meat slab in.

Rodav focused and the wires at the insides connected into him and the light on the inside turned green this was a new chapter for Rodav this was his new body and the cyborgs cheered for their master, and kneeled at their masters new body rodav and his army where ready for battle and now all they had to do was wait.

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