Chapter 18: convincing enemies

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Gabe and Adam were fighting and Mulk burst into the window shattering the glass, the two turned their heads and looked at Mulk and stopped the fighting, Mulk  raised his hands up and asked for them to halt the fighting, he said he needs some help with something, the two stopped fighting and asked what he wanted? And Mulk explained Cyborg aliens and their leader Rodav are attacking the city and they need all the help they can get and asked if they could help join the fight.

Gabe said he won't join forces with Adam because they are in conflict and Adam worked for that monster Max and hurt his daughter and refused to work with Adam, Mulk asked if they could settle their differences and forgive each other, Adam raised his palm saying there was something he'd been meaning to say and he confessed he'd been living with for the rest of his life and said it gives him nightmares and asked forgive him and Superdude said he forgives him and turned to Mulk and said he'll  forgive Adam and remembered the name of the Cyborgs who were invading and remembered their name, they abducted Gabe once when they were observing the Earth and they hovered over a grassy hill and Gabe went to have a look and the ship and went in the middle and a green light turned on and he got abducted and went inside the ship and they were hostile against him and tried to strap him to a table, they laid him on the bed with their sttength and he tried to struggle and metal clamps grabbed his hands once he was on the bed stretching him up so he couldn't move, they tried to place a device on his eye but he wasn't having it, he kicked upwards and used his sun powers to blind the aliens, the sun blast broke the clamps and his hands were free, he got up from the table and clapped and the Cyborgs got tangled upside down in a tornado, Gabe ran for it and made it to the control room, he bashed a cyborgs head on the controls and it sparked and hovered his hands above the console and made it rain, the rain went inside the control's and then the controls sparked and he heard a sound of something opening, he ran to the hatch and used his wind powers to jump into it and back on the grassy ground, he looked up at the hatch and flipped the bird to the cyborgs and used his wind powers to fly up into the city he couldn't believe what he just saw.

The Cyborgs took off back into space  and stopped observing Earth for now.

Mulk asked if Adam had seen any of the Cyborgs and Adam said yes, he explained that on one particular day when he was dealing with normal thugs and Gabe a mysterious man in a gold cloak carrying a golden staff appeared to him, the mysterious man called himself a time keeper and explained as the first superhero of Apricot city he must transcend beyond the city and help go into space, Adam pointed at Crygon who fit the description of the mysterious man and he told Adam it was him who appeared to him.

And Adam asked why and Crygon explained the task he gave was so he can go beyond the city, being the first superhero in town and all he needed to test his limits and it was to make room for Mulk who came many years later. Because Mulk was the true hero and Adam was to make a good example so Mulk could follow, so the task Crygon set Adam was that the time keeper star ship was invaded by their arch enemy the Cyborgs and were boarded from their ship witch loomed over Earth and he needed Adam to help fend them off.

Adam accepted and Crygon tapped his gold staff on the floor and they teleported to the ship and Adam could hear the screaming of time keepers and used his super speed down the hall and whacked a Cyborg who had a time keeper kneeling before him over the head and he took his hand and helped him up and told him to get to safety, the Cyborgs down the hall with their red vision noticed a human threat, they didn't like humans so they gathered round Adam and he fly kicked them all to the side, they parted and made a gap in the circle of Cyborgs and flew and punched their circuit systems and they sparked up and alarms blared from the Cyborg machinery warning more cyborgs to come, Adam punched his way through sparking Cyborgs as he went and he sped to the outside of the ship and ran to the edge were the Cyborg ship was docked, he put his hands on the Cyborg ship and used his strength to push it and the metal made a loud creaking noise and a part broke off and flew into the vastness of space, Adam used his super breath to blow the ship further as he pushed it away, the ship turned visible and traveled away and Adam squinted his eyes and used his laser vision on the Cyborg ship, it hit the ship and he saw an explosion and then watched as a trail of smoke following the cyborg ship as it left.

The ship light sped back into deep space and Adam looked out the window into the blackness of space and Crygon came behind and stood beside Adam and put a hand on Adam's shoulder and the other time keepers appeared behind him and thanked him, and they said he has definitely proved himself a hero by saving other intergalactic species, Crygon said Adam could return and tapped his staff on the floor and then Adam appeared back in the city.

They both had bad experiences with Cyborgs and they saw them both as threats so Adam and Gabe said they'll join together to fight them but just this once.

The cyborgs saw Adam as a threat that day and will remember him as a threat, Mulk asked who they needed to unite next and Leroy said they need to find Nightmare and Otto then the hero army will be complete and Rodav wouldn't stand a chance

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