Chapter 27: the time staff

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Watson stood tall in his now golden robe and Mulk ran up to him and hugged him, he said he missed Watson, Watson said he missed them all too and asked how it felt to be back? Watson explained that when he got pulled out from Zohan's body and was pulled into the portal by Mulk and friends it felt like he was being finally dropped out of the time portal Rodav pulled him into many years ago he felt like being reborn was the end of the journey.

Crygon explained that since they rescued Watson Rodav is a separate entity now  because the time keepers of the past have no Zohan to imprison thus having no Watson to go into the deep future as a fleshy mass and discovered by the Cyborgs but Crygon concluded that Rodav might still have Watson's powers and be all powerful.

Crugon explained now Watson and his father were reunited there was something he was going to give him, something that might be crucial in defeating Rodav and Watson and Mulk asked what and Crygon  explained since Rodav still hasWatson's powers  the only thing that might destroy him is a time staff like Crygon has but Watson's own personal one, he was going to gift it to Watson in his teenage years when he was old enough to fight  and learn the ways of time but  unfortunately that never happened and due to the Cyborgs attacking and Watson having  to be sent to Earth.

Crygon said he hired the finest staff crafter on Cyborg planet, made from pure gold in the forges of the time keeper forge were all the finest time keeper warrior  weapons are crafted, powered by the time keeper power and blessed by the seven time keepers themselves, Watson asked if he saved the staff and brought it to Earth? And Crygon said no and said the Cyborgs attacked and the planet blew up and he wasn't able to recover it, it wasn't till their first official meeting on Cyborg planet that he knew officially that Watson was really alive since blasting him off in his pod many years ago and unfortunately it was too late to get the staff anyway.

Mulk sparked up and said now that they have one time staff they can travel to the past before their planet was attacked and bring it to the present and maybe even try to stop the Cyborgs from blowing up Crygon and Watson's planet and by preventing that disastrous event they could make Rodav in the present weaker and they'll be able to restore the Time keeper planet to its prime  and it will be still here when you look up in the sky.  and defeat Rodav

Crygon smiled and tapped Mulk on the shoulder and said that was a great idea but preventing the disaster of time keeper planet was thinking far outside the box, there was only four of them and an army of them, they'll be destroyed if they are seen, they needed to focus on getting the staff and then maybe they'll fight off the cyborgs in the past, it worried Crygon because since the destruction of Nebulon 4 had already been written it was in meant to happen and if they mess with the time line things might go wrong, Crygon said Mulk knew nothing about time and Mulk argued that Saving Watson worked and now there is no Zohan to fall into the past.

Crygon told them they'll think about it and told him lets go and get the staff, Mulk said ok and held the staff Leroy held the staff, Watson held the staff, Crygon clicked a button and the hands went round fast and he turned the dial to Nebulon 4 their home, the battle of the Cyborgs and Time keepers. A purple portal came up behind them and swallowed them up and then spit them out in the far past and it closed behind them.

They arrived in the square under a big golden building with spires, Mulk looked around at the tall buildings, bis eyes widening  amazed at the tall buildings surrounding him and said  " woah this is your home planet?" And Crygon said they were moments before Rodav and the Cyborgs had  landed and Watson said they need to get to the staff and asked Crygon were it was? He said it was locked in storage in Watson's room as a good luck charm and Watson said then  they needed to get there.

They started to run and all the time keepers in the city who were out and about turned their heads because they noticed them running, they ran through two double doors and upstairs, they kicked the door open to a white room with the pods suspended sticking out of the wall from a device on the ceiling, they ran in and saw the mural of Gangrene and Mulk and Watson's eyes went big, this was all that happened as he went through the portal and it came true, Watson asked what that was? And Crygon explained he made it when he was little, he knew everything was going to happen all along and Watson looked amazed and saw the white pods and saw something moving inside and stepped closer to the pods and through the glass he saw baby Watson moving about, he put his hand on the glass and smiled and the baby put his hand on the glass and laughed.

Crygon rushed to a panel and it opened up out of a compartment on the ceiling, he uncovered a keypad at the bottom and it said he needed a password, he typed good and evil and pressed enter and the box opened revealing a golden staff, he reached in the box and grabbed the staff and pulled it out, it looked small but Crygon flicked it and it extended and he pressed the button and it started to glow and he handed it over to Watson and when he held it he felt the power surge through him and he started glowing a golden aura around him, he felt all powerful, now they had the power of two time keepers, they had what they came for it was time to go.

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