Chapter 20: Convincing Otto

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Mulk and the others flew to the city and saw the streets were empty, no people because they were in doors fearing for their lives and buildings were on fire, paper was flying about on the ground, it was a sad sight to see and the crew flew to the front of the TCF building and down the street heading toward them they saw a Cyborg UFO detect people and it sped toward them, Leroy distracted it and rode round the back on his motor cycle and Mulk, super Dude, Blue man, Anti freeze and Gangrene with the help of a ice path Antifreeze made flew up and into an open window and the UFO flew over head as they were going through the window and they made it undetected.

everybody on the ground went inside and saw nobody in the reception, it was kind of creepy and the rest met up with Mulk upstairs were everybody was, inside they saw rows of desks with papers on and people working there typing away at the computers, the clacking echoing throughout the room. Mulk was glad Otto recruited more people to work for him and was proud of him

One guy in glasses looked to the open window and saw Mulk, he got up and walked away out of Mulk's vision, second later he came back with a man in an eye patch, it was Otto, he smiled and was happy to see the heroes and asked how they were doing? Leroy piped up and told Otto they missed him and haven't seen him since the island rescue, Otto said he was helping out superhero's in this very building and they had to shelter his recruits inside the building because the alien invasion and he was taking calls and giving people advice about safety and what to do, he asked Mulk if he knows who invaded and why?, Mulk explained he attackers were the Cyborgs and their leader Rodav, Crygon the time keeper piped up and explained that he thinks Rodav was after him because the time keepers had a long rivalry with the Cyborgs that dates back to many millennia, the Cyborgs have been their rivals ever since, they destroyed the time keepers planet many eons ago and could destroy Earth as payback for escaping the destroyed home planet So they needed Ottos help seeing as he was good with weapons, Otto said he'll gladly help and if he needs him he could operate from the building because there are normal people working the phones and on the computers he doesn't want to be harmed, they have families and are not badasses like Otto, Leroy says he has to train his recruits they need as many as they can and Leroy said he'll teach them with Otto, he reached down and took out a black case and opened the latches and opened it up revealing laser guns sat in a velvet box, Leroy asked how he got those and Otto said the Cyborgs invaded the building  and they all had to evacuate to the roof because the Cyborgs rushed them, Otto said he got in a tussle with some cyborgs and they surrounded him on the roof while the other recruits were in the stair well, Otto said he managed to snatch their guns and kicked one off the roof and Otto watched Robot parts splattered around the street as it landed on the street, he kicked one by one off the roof stealing their weapons, then one of the quiet ones who worked with Otto came up the stairs weilding a flame thrower and closed them in making them fall off the edge and off the roof and onto the ground, the idea was that instead of normal weapons they will now use the Cyborg weapons against them because they work better. Otto picked up a laser gun and walked toward the people at the desks working and waved the laser gun in front of them and Otto said he was gonna teach them how to use a gun because he needs all the help he can get fighting the Cyborgs and of course he showed a demonstration, he pulled the trigger and said all you have to do is pull it and a red beam came out toward the window shattering  it and every body jumped backwards with their mouth agape. Otto said he needs people to come up and do it and show the heroes they can use it, Otto placed an apple on the table and one by one people came up and aimed and pulled the trigger and the apple was nearly at its core and he told everybody good job and that was it training over just like that and told them to go to the storage room and keep a laser gun on their holsters with them at all times, who knows when the Cyborgs might attack again.

Now Otto thought they were ready and well prepared. They walked back to the desks and Mulk asked Otto other than invading the building if he had any more encounters with the Cyborgs, Otto said yes and explained one day his team noticed a UFO in the window but that wasn't weird at all he'd seen aliens and he knew Zon from before so that wasn't a big deal, they told him it looked like it was observing the city so Otto went out into the outskirts of the city to have a look and Otto saw it up close, he walked in the middle of the UFO shuttle shadow and looked up and it beamed him up, he said the ship was dark orange with beeping green and white lights on a computer beeping throughout the space craft and he looked around and saw nobody around so he started to get suspicious, suddenly from behind Cyborgs garrotted Otto and Otto kicked franticly and tried to struggle but the Cyborgs kept him steady and took him to a table in a dark room and put him on it and reached for his arm and put his hand in a metal clamp, they clamped both hands up and a device came down and placed something on his eye, Otto kicked the cyborgs back into the computer system and it sparked blue and orange sparks, Otto ripped the thing off his eye and used his strength to get loose from the clamps, the machine broke and steam came out of it, the Cyborgs tried to hold him but Otto laid a punch to multiple Cyborgs and he got up and ran and saw a computer with a green screen showing a slide show of all the super heroes, it was like they were observing the heroes or something, Otto went to the hatch and jumped out and ran to the building were he gave the recruits the thing from his eye the Cyborgs put on him and they examined it in a petri dish and concluded that this was a device to suck the super powers out from the persons brain and Mulk interrupted and said they put a thing on Super Dudes eye too and thought they must be taking the other heroes power to grow stronger, to maybe become like a super cyborg or something but that was just a theory but theory or not they needed to be stopped and Mulk said this was important information and thanked Otto, he said no problem and of course he'll help and he and his men will help join the fight now they know how to fight, Mulk said good and told Crygon they should seek out The assassinator he could be great help and Otto said Assassinator was living in fear in his lab, he knew this because Otto had contact with him and Mulk said thanks now he knew were to go.

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