Chapter 23: the battle for Toysvile

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The army of heroes marched out into the empty dusty streets surrounded by smoking buildings with cracked windows, they stopped and looked up into the sky snd saw millions of Cyborg ships flying toward them and they landed and the silvery Cyborgs dropped from their ships and landed with a big thump making the ground rumble, there where thousands of Cyborgs who dropped onto the ground staring at the heroes as they held their blasters in their hands.

A few seconds later the sky went dark and a massive triangle ship moved in the suns way making everything go dark like an eclipse and they saw the triangle shaped ship stop and they saw a giant latch, bigger than the the latches on the other Cyborg ships open up and they all thought this must be Rodav, from the hatch hole as it opened came came a bright yellow light that beamed onto the ground like a spot light and the heroes something that looked like robotic legs come out of the hatch, and then a booming voice spoke out echoing throughout the city, making glass on buildings shatter " you" Rodav said referring to Crygon who was stood under Rodav's ship, as the black metallic suit of armour emerged from the hatch, the heroes looked up and saw the fleshy head of Rodav in the jar floating round in it's fluids attached to the mech.

Rodav hovered down in mid air from the hatch " us Cyborgs will enslave the humans and you shall not escape" said Rodav causing the ground to rumble violently, finally Rodav landed and his mech suit landed on the ground making a sonic blast, trees and phone lines wobbled in the sonic blast and his metallic arms  loosened and  he raised his right arm and pointed his big robotic finger at Crygon and he commanded his Cyborgs to attack the heroes and Crygon looked at Rodav and said he will not let him enslave the Earth and Mulk pointed and commanded the heroes to charge.

They ran amongst the Cyborgs and Assassinator retracted his electric Cyborg staff and flipped and punched and fly kicked some Cyborgs in the circuit system, and he plunged his Cyborg staff into them striking them with electricity, Blue man was in an air  battle using his blue blast ray against the Cyborgs, they were tussling in the air, Super Dude used his lightning powers to strike them and used his wind powers to whirl them together dodging them left right and centre, Max labs and the AM fist fought the AM army members and  Mulkina was flying into many Cyborgs rushing them and Leona rode her motor bike round luring them away from Mulkina,, Gangrene blasted the Cyborgs with his Gangrene gun and blasted it onto their faces maybe getting it into their systems.

The colossi people went toe to toe punching and using their drill weapons on the centre of the Cyborgs.

Rodav's voice rang out and shook the skies telling Crygon this will be the new Cyborg planet and Crygon and the time keepers were fighting them with their golden time staffs.

The AM used their weapons and started firing, some Cyborgs went down and the heroes fighting thought they were winning but an antenna on Rodav's mech suit sparked up and the Cyborgs got back up and continued to fight. " no " thought Crygon as he watched the Cyborgs get back up, he was sweating and red faced hoping to defeat them but he wasn't strong enough.

The AM fired all they could and ran out of ammo  and were cornered near a tank by the Cyborgs with no way to escape, as the Cyborgs wouldn't go down so they raised their hands in surrender and the Cyborgs put cuffs round their hands and walked them to their side, for they will work for the Cyborgs now.

The colossi people resorted to using mind control on the Cyborgs to try and get them to malfunction but in the middle of trying to mind control them the Cyborgs backed the colossi people against the wall and they dropped cuffs from their dispenser tummies and they gripped on and locked on the Cyborgs hands and they followed them to the Action man army who were captured, Blue man was shot. By a ship rocket that aimed toward him and he let go of the Cyborg he was in a fight with and landed on the ground and the Cyborgs surrounded him and picked him up and took him to the colossi people who were all looking saddened in defeat, their faces glum with disappointment.

Gabe got surrounded and shot in the leg, he collapsed and fell to the ground and screamed in pain looking up to the sky, but the Cyborgs cuffed him and took him to the others, they fired a missile at Mulkina and she fell down to the ground  and was  cuffed by the Cyborgs, they fired a laser with their blaster and  fired at her bike and tripped up Leona fell off onto the ground and hit her chin, she was surrounded and cuffed by the Cyborgs and placed Beside Mulkina who looked at her in defeat, Man bat got tired of punching and they surrounded and cuffed him and took him with the others. Antifreeze blasted blocks of ice to trap them but they broke out and Cuffed antifreeze and Phyco ran out of ways to destroy the Cyborgs, no ammo or blaster fire was working so he gave up and was cuffed and taken with the others, Penom was trying to cover the Cyborgs in ooze but they saw through it and busted out and grabbed him and cuffed him and took with the others.

Out from the big ship dropped a large stone statue and Rodav claimed in a loud voice that this was the new Cyborg planet and Mulk or Crygon could not  defeat him and he told the Cyborgs he wanted the prisoner heroes to raise a statue of him so he can claim this the new Cyborg planet, the Cyborgs shot a leash at the heroes neck and, the Cyborgs wielded laser whips and they attached the leashes to the statue and with brute force and all their strength the heroes were now slaves to the Cyborgs and the statue  was raised and Rodav laughed and said that he will turn Earth into a robot part waste land just like  Cyborg planet and his antenna beeped and Cyborg planet lost its gravitational pull and was pulled to Earth by the antenna and you could see it come closer in the blue sky and Mulk was fighting off the Cyborgs but he was getting exhausted and turned to Mulk and said they need to fall back and Mulk saw the statue of Rodav being raised and all the captured heroes and he said he couldn't leave them again, he had to save them.

Crygon was fighting with his staff, he looked to Mulk and said Leroy was right they need to fall back and told them he has a plan and told them to run for Assassinators lab , they ran and the cyborgs chased after them and the screeching of Cyborgs echoed behind them, one grabbed Crygon's leg but he kicked them off and it tripped and Mulk and Leroy ran further ahead and Mulk ran toward the basement lab and jumped into the hole with Leroy and Crygon came last and aimed his gold staff at the door  and a purple shield appeared and the Cyborgs couldn't get through, Mulk was disappointed that he left the heroes to the Cyborgs and they all breathed heavily they were exhausted but they were safe but they needed to come up with a plan and luckily Crygon had one.  

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