Chspter 17: origin of the Super Dude

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Mulk flew in to Adam's blue lair and interrupted Adam going hand to hand with a man in an orange jumpsuit called Super Dude, super dude was originally called gaibrial, he had long blond hair and was a surfer and got his powers by surfing during a weather experiment and getting hit by lightning and discovered he had the power to cast lightning and make water come out from his hands and fly using water, even sun powers to blind and distract people for a quick escape.

Super Dude became Adam's rival when after superDude got his powers Max observed him on satellites in space throwing lightning at buildings and splashing water at people and billboards in the city, so Max Labs got some scientists and ordered them to subdue Super Dude because he was a threat to the city. The scientists made their way into the city and pulled out special darts and blew into them and shot them into Dude's neck, Dude felt dizzy and the world started to spin and he fell to the ground, the men tied him up in a straight jacket and put a collar on him so he couldn't use his powers. The scientists lifted him up and put him in the back of the van and closed the doors and took him to Max labs. Once they got their they went in a lift that went underground  and lead him to a prison and pushed him into a cell and locked the door.

After Adam decided to become a hero Max found out the Blue man was Adam and he had a proposition for Adam, he knew were he lived turned up to Apricot city in his van and knocked on the door, and Adam recognised Max and greeted him and asked what he wanted, Max apologised for what happened to Adam at his plant and Adam said it was ok and gestured for Max to come in, Max sat down with Adam on the sofa and he explained that he needs somebody with powers to make sure the people in prison and the experiments don't escape, as a stupid first time hero Adam nodded and accepted this offer and Max told him to meet at the prison in the morning because thats when he starts.

Years after the accident and before he got captured Gabriel took a break from surfing to be with his wife and after some time trying his wife Linda went into the bathroom with a pregnancy test one morning and when she finished using it the test had a plus sign, she was pregnant. She walked in with the test smiling happily and asked Gabe  to guess what? and Gabe said what? And Linda pulled her test from behind her back and said she was pregnant, of course Gabes eyes lit up and he wrapped his arms round her tight, he was so happy.

They went through the pregnancy journey together and after nine months Linda felt her water break and she told Gabe and he took her to the hospital.

After a long drive in the car Linda and Gabe walked into the hospital with an arm wrapped around her shoulder holding her up and told the receptionist his wife was giving birth, some nurses came and they put her in a hospital  bed and hooked her up to an epidural in her back.

After two days of contracting Linda felt like she was finally going to give birth she wanted it out of her immediately,  it was giving her so much pain and agony, she pressed the button and nurses came and went to the end of the hospital bed to see how the baby was doing, Gabe held her hand and they told her to push, her face covered in sweat and hair all messy, she squeezed Gabes hand tight, ten minutes later they saw its head and she pushed some more and the baby came out and the doctors caught it and swaddled it up in a blanket and passed it over to Linda and said with a smile it was a girl, Linda smiled looking down at her baby she was so happy.

She called it Oceania after Gabe's elemental powers. So they went home and went on a journey of parenting for a long time learning how to raise the baby and after a few years the Oceania grew up to be  a blond haired toddler who could now speak a few sentences and after a while Linda and Gabe went to register Oceania as a person within Gabes family, they were so happy together.

Max in his office was looking at reports on the increase of super powered people in the city, there was Gabe  who was known as Superdude and there was Adam the now, flying blue man, he knew Adam but decided to go on his computer and look at his file on the computer, he clicked on the file and it turned out he updated it and now had a baby girl in the family and as he had her when he had his powers he thought the girl might have powers too and would want an experiment, he asked Adam to come with him and they drove in the car to Gabes house.

They parked up and both got out and Max knocked on the door and Adam stood by him, Max knocked the door and Linda opened, she smiled and greeted Max and Max asked if he could test their daughter for super powers at the lab because her father was a super human and he made a baby since the incident and Mac just wanted to check so he could teach her how to control her powers, Linda said ok and called Oceania down and explained the situation, she didn't want to go and held her mom tight, Max got down on her level and said she'll come right back he just wanted conduct a few tests to see if she had any powers that was all, she gave in and went to Max and waved to her mom and they went in the car and drove back to the lab.

Gabe was out for the day and when he came back later he heard it was really quiet and asked where Oceania was? and Linda explained that she was taken to Max labs to check if she had powers.

Gabe had a vein showing on his head and he started to get angry, he bashed the wall and told her how stupid she was for letting his and her daughter get experimented on, Gabe punched the wall and a framed picture fell off leaving a dent in the wall.

And Gabe left saying he won't date a stupid person and was going to get his daughter back and slammed the door with his wind powers and lifted off in a tornado around his legs and flew off into the city, he used his lightning powers on a tall buildings windows and used his sun powers blinding and stunning people working in the buildings.

Thats when Max saw on the satellite cameras Gabe causing havoc and sent scientists to subdue him.

Gabe woke up in jail and two men in white overcoats unlocked the door and took him by the arms roughly and pulled him up and out of the cell and took him to a interrogation room and Max stood on the other side of the room with his hand on the desk and he asked why Gabe was there when he knew there was a weather experiment going on? He thought Gabe's intention was to ruin and mess up a Max labs experiment? Because Gabe was Anti Max labs and was against all things Max and his inventions, And Gabe said he just wanted to surf that was all and begged to give his daughter back nearly with tears in his eyes and fists clenched in anger.

Gabe saw through the two way mirror Adam on the other side Adam placing a syringe and taking Oceans blood, of course lightening gold filled the syringe and Adam put it up to the window showing Gabe and told Max she did have powers it was very intriguing but they had not developed yet, powers only develop when you become an adult and Oceania was 17 so not yet an adult but soon she will be eighteen and could lose control of her powers just like her father if nobody was to teach her how to use and control them, Adam suggested maybe it was best to keep her here so she couldn't cause any damage to the city so she couldn't be a danger.

Gabe clenched his fists and shook his hands and used his sun powers to burst out the chains he was cuffed with and he put his hand toward the two way mirror firing a fire ball at it, the fire ball hit the glass and it shattered into bits, Gabe leapt out of the glass into the next room screaming for Adam to let go of his daughter, he pushed Max to the side and he sat in the corner of the room, watching, Gabe punched Adam in the face but Adam dodged and punched him in the chest, Gabe put Adam against the cold wall and bashed his head and body against the cold metal, the whole lab rumbled as they fought and Gabe grabbed his daughter and used his wind powers and flew off making a big hole in the ceiling of the lab, as he flew off he looked down and stared at Adam he could never forgive, he had made a powerful enemy. Adam for what he had done and they flew off home safely and Super dude returned to Linda with their daughter.

Later Adam realised his decision for working for Max was a big mistake and he regretted what he had done he didn't want to make any enemies and what he did kept him awake at night and made him have nightmares, one day Adam went into Maxes office and told him he quits because just checking for super powers to keep the super powered populace down was pretty messed up and Adam didn't want any part of it, Max explained that he was only trying to protect the city, people with super powers do more damage to the city than good either when they are good or evil but Max said if Adam doesn't want a part in it he can go, Adam exited and flew off to fight crime to make up for the bad deeds he had done for Max.

Gabe kept causing crime in the city, stealing from shops to give to his family, thieving and causing vandalism all to show he was Anti Max labs and Adam, the flying blue man tried to stop him every chance he got and they became arch enemies.

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