Chapter Three

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"Her own thoughts and reflections were habitually her best companions."

- Mansfield Park, Jane Austen

Rose discovered that the woman introducing herself as Donna possessed brilliance beyond measure; a person brimming with passion, strength, and an indomitable spirit. Unafraid to stand up to the Doctor and take none of his nonsense, Rose couldn't help but relish watching the dynamic duo in action. It was like witnessing episodes of a dramatic comedy, with occasional hints of horror, and bittersweet moments that tugged at her heartstrings.

She'd seen Donna beg the Doctor to save someone; seen Donna cry herself to sleep in the library after an encounter with the Ood; and witnessed the Doctor amble the corridors for hours by himself, lost in profound contemplation. She had observed him tinkering with the console, his face etched with sombre demeanours. Despite being close by, she couldn't offer any assistance or comfort. No comforting touch, no consoling whispers; there was nothing she could do to reach out to him in those moments.


If there was a way to describe her situation, that's what she would say. Limbo.

At a point in the future, Rose was even allowed to meet Martha. Well, meet would be the wrong word. More like, haunt. Not like she had a choice in the matter. She just was.

And she came to like the woman; Martha that was. A medical doctor. And not only that; she worked for UNIT. Or how the Doctor would put it, with UNIT.

Rose knew of UNIT. Back when she'd worked for Torchwood in her Dad's dimension; an international military organisation which operated under the auspices of the United Nations: United Nations Intelligence Taskforce.

Did she like them? Not really. Too aggressive, too possessive. Set to bring down any alien form and exterminate it for America's gain.

Whenever Torchwood and UNIT collaborated, she'd find herself submerged with an eerie feeling. As if it was wrong; two poles on the same side, only they attracted each other. It was off putting.

And yes, Torchwood was not better than UNIT in any way; or at least the Torchwood in the Doctor's Universe. She knew that much. The one on Pete's World though, it was different. Not as hostile and pugnacious. Which is why Rose worked for them. She knew a thing or two about aliens; and she wanted to help them see the extraterrestrial life as something to wonder of, not destroy.

It was what the Doctor would have done.

Rose thought about her time as an Agent for the Corporation. It left a bitter-sweet taste on her tongue; like coffee after chocolate. She had spent so much time in that building; always running, always fighting for justice and protection. And in return, justice she got. But not in the good sense, no.

Without dwelling on the thought, she stood up and followed Donna and the Doctor to the infirmary, after they had returned back to the time machine.

"I'm telling you, space man! It's just a little cut!" Donna rolled her eyes.

"One cut can change the time-lines of the Universe, Donna. Time loops, paradoxes, inter-galactic affairs, energetic occurrences. Can't you smell it?" the Doctor turned to face the woman and sniffed the air, concentrating. "There's something in the air."

His frown then turned into a smile. "No matter. Besides, we don't want you catching galaxy AIDS." he shrugged and pushed the woman into the room.

"AIDS?!" Donna yelled. "You're telling me I could get AIDS?"

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