Chapter Fourteen

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"Anybody can become angry — that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way — that is not within everybody's power and is not easy."


"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." a police officer, green humanoid, handcuffed both Rose and the Doctor.

"Did he just read us our Miranda Rights? Like, human rights, in another constellation?" Rose tried not to laugh.

"You'd be surprised about the human influence in different galaxies." the Doctor shrugged. "What are we getting arrested for?" he now spoke to the officer.

"Misconduct, vandalisation and falsification of documents."

The Doctor glanced at the name tag on the humanoid's uniform. "Officer Kraske, can I call you that? There must be some kind of misunderstanding."

"Were you or were you not snogging this human female whom you are not married to?"

Rose choked on her spit and coughed.

"Er." the Doctor blinked. "Officer Kraske, there's a Police Box that way if you'd like to lock us up?" he grinned.

"Silence." the humanoid ordered, and Rose chuckled, glancing at the Doctor, whose ego seemed to have been stabbed.

Rose stepped closer to the Doctor and leaned in to whisper. "Now would be a great time to escape."

"He took my sonic." he said quietly in return.

"Fat load of good you are." she rolled her eyes.

"Oi!" he exclaimed and the officer shot him a look before turning back to his communicator.

"Right. Doing this the old way, then." Rose took a breath and lunged forwards, knocking the officer to the floor. The officer face-planted the ground and groaned in pain.

"Are you out of your mind?!" the Doctor followed her, running for their lives.

Officer Kraske took out his gun and fired, barely missing Rose's head. The laser collided with one of the statues, which fell to the floor and shattered. A fragment hit Rose's foot and she yelped, before standing again to run.

Thankful the TARDIS wasn't locked, the Time Lord managed to open the door and they entered, gasping for air. Rose approached the jump seat, sat and winced in pain. After enduring numerous trials, the Doctor finally managed to remove the cuffs and swiftly rushed to her side. With a sense of urgency, he released her hands and hurriedly guided her to the infirmary. Once there, he encouraged her to remove her shoe, ensuring she received the care she needed.

"That was irresponsible and stupid!" he carried rubbing alcohol and bandages to her side then got to work, kneeling to get a better look.

"I seem to be doing that a lot lately." she laughed. "Ouch!"

He cleaned the wound and wrapped it up, gentle as to not cause her unnecessary pain, then stood. His expression was something she couldn't read. Hands in his pockets, he simply stared at her. The Doctor had spent most of his life chasing after and away from dangerous affairs; nearly always he had to fight off death and the implications of it, but when it came to her...He couldn't stop but feel a tinge of annoyance, some slither rushing along his blood that made him surrender to its power.

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