Chapter Six

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"It is never too late to be what you might have been."

-George Eliot

"You know, you act like such a lonely man. But look at you. You've got the biggest family on Earth." Sarah Jane was talking to the Doctor outside the TARDIS.

Bells rang, people bustled around the streets, happy that the nightmare had stopped.

She pulled the Doctor into a hug. "Oh! Got to go. He's only fourteen. It's a long story. And thank you!"

The Doctor smiled and waved goodbye.

He caught Jack and Martha just in time as they were about to leave. He took out his sonic and held up the Agent's vortex manipulator. "I told you, no teleport. And, Martha, get rid of that Osterhagen thing, eh? Save the world one more time."

Martha nodded. "Consider it done. But, Doctor. There is still one more mystery about all of this. Rose. How did she come back?"

The Doctor looked at her briefly and let go of Jack's arm. He stood there, saying nothing.

"You know, I'm not sure about UNIT these days. Maybe there's something else you could be doing?" Jack turned to Martha and took her hand, leading her away.

"How about you, Donna? Will you stay?" the Doctor's voice was warm. The woman was leaning against the wooden time ship, arms crossed.

"Oh, I don't know." she shrugged. "I'd like to check up on Mum and Grandad. You know, to make sure they're okay."

He nodded. "Yeah."

"Don't mean I'll stay away forever." she elbowed him and chuckled. "Space man. I'll be back."

"You better keep to your word, then." the Doctor smiled. They embraced.

His eyes followed Donna's departing figure before settling on the TARDIS. A sigh escaped his lips as his dual hearts thundered within his chest. Taking a hesitant step forward, he entered the time machine and scanned the vicinity with uncertainty.


He found her sitting at the table in the galley, nursing a cup of tea. She looked lost; not physically; but her eyes told a different story.

"White walls. White white white. One two three four. One two three four." she whispered to herself.

"Rose?" the Doctor approached slowly, kneeling down to gaze upon the features of her face.

She lost grip of the cup and it fell, shattering into fragments, the liquid now spilled to the floor. Rose stood immediately and rushed to get a mop. "Sorry."

"Rose!" he called again, grabbing her arm. "Look at me."

She let out a shaky breath and turned slowly. When their eyes met, he smiled tenderly. "Hello." he said.

"Hello." Rose responded, a curve forming on her lips. "You're still you."

"Could say the same."



She smiled brightly and threw her arms around him, digging her fingernails into the fabric of his coat. She buried her face in the nook of his neck, as his hands tightened around her waist. He breathed in her smell, and she trembled. They stood there like that, swinging back and forth; enjoying each other's presence and touch, scared to let go. He ran his palm over her back, caressing her. She was real, she really was; and he held her cautiously, because what if she disappeared again?

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