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"Who the fuck are you?" Jisung asked as he backed away from Minho. "Hey hey, it's okay. I won't hurt you." Minho said reassuringly as he reached out a hand for the younger. "How the hell am I supposed to believe you?" Jisung asked as he raised an eyebrow, raising the dagger in his hands. Minho put both of his hands up, explaining to the latter that he was no threat.

However, Jisung didn't believe him at all.

"If you mean no harm, then why are there more than 5 people hiding behind the objects in the alleyway right now?" Minho's eyes widened as he glanced behind him. "There is no one there, what d-do you mean?" Minho mentally slapped himself for stuttering. "Are you sure?"

"Y-Yes..?" Jisung sighed as he got up from the floor, only to fall back down because of the pain in his head. "Why are you even here?" Jisung asked the latter, groaning in pain as his butt hit the cold; blood stained concrete floor.

"Are you okay?" Minho asked with a tint of worry in his voice. "Yea, I am definitely fine. What the heck do you think?!" Jisung spat as he rolled his eyes.

"Get up, I'll get someone to treat your injuries." Minho said as he reached his hand out for the younger once again. "No need, I'll treat them myself.."

"C'mon, I'm telling you nicely here." Minho sighed as he bent down towards Jisung. "What's your name, boy?"

"Why should I tell you? It's none of your business."

Just then, a few police sirens could be heard from across the street. Jisung groaned and grabbed Minho's hand, standing up on his feet before getting dragged to an unknown place.

Jisung's eyes stayed open while he was being dragged. He noticed a few people following behind them and scoffed. "So you did have people with you? Don't you know how dangerous I am?"

Minho laughed lightly and looked at the boy. "If you were dangerous, I would have been dead by now, darling." Jisung huffed as he continued walking, keeping an eye on the 6 people following behind them.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡  - ✧)

"Your injuries should be fine after a few weeks of rest. Other than that, please don't participate in strenuous activities like running or fighting etc." Jeongin explained as he looked up from his clipboard. Jisung sighed as he looked out the window beside him.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other things to attend to." Jeongin removed his white coat and gloves before walking out of the room.

Jisung was looking at the enchanting garden located outside of the room. The flowers bloomed beautifully under the sunlight and were practically shining. He unconsciously smiled as he imagined how lively the garden might be.

A knock could be heard from the door and Jisung was now looking at the person standing at the door. "Hi, my name is Chan. How are you feeling?"

Jisung stared at the older before answering. "I'm fine.." Chan nodded and sat beside the boy.

"So... what's your name?" Chan asked as he tried to create some small talk. "My name is not important for you to know." Jisung retorted with an eye roll. Chan was taken aback by the sharpness of Jisung's voice.

He didn't do anything wrong.

Or did he?

"I'm sorry for pissing you off, but I'm trying to get to know you. Or would you rather stay here alone until you can walk properly without falling over?" Chan snapped as he looked at the younger with cold eyes. Jisung smirked as he saw the sudden change in the older's mood.

"I'd rather be alone, thank you very much. Your presence is not needed here, so please leave." Jisung said as he put on a genuine smile. One that scared the many people he had come across on a regular day.

Chan groaned internally as he got up from the chair, glancing at the boy on the bed before walking out. Jisung was happily watching the way the trees swayed in the wind, admiring the beauty of the garden below.

"Does the garden attract you?" a voice came from behind him. Jisung screamed in his head when he felt a hand being rested on his shoulder.

It had scared him for a moment.

Jisung looked behind him and saw the same boy who dragged him here. He frowned as he remembered saying that he wanted to be alone. Just as Jisung was about to open his mouth, Minho spoke up.

"I assume that you don't watch K-Dramas because you don't recognise who we are." Jisung tilted his head to the side.

What even were K-Dramas?

A chuckle could be heard coming from Minho as he removed his hand from Jisung's shoulder. "K-Dramas are basically just Korean plays for theatres, radios or television. In short, Korean dramas."

"Oh wait- did I ask that question out loud?" Jisung asked as he put a hand over his mouth. Minho burst out laughing at the boy's expression. It was too hilarious to witness.

Jisung stared at the older before laughing as well, happiness radiating from the both of them. For a moment, Jisung felt carefree. He wasn't thinking about topics that stressed him out or caused him anxiety.

Something he rarely felt, was what Jisung would describe the feeling.

"So, are you like... famous actors for K-Drama(s) or something?" Jisung asked curiously. Minho nodded as he gave Jisung his phone, asking him to search up 'Lee Minho' on google.

"Oh shit- you all actually are. What were all of you doing at such a sketchy place anyway." Jisung asked, confused. Minho scratched the back of his neck as he chuckled awkwardly. "Uh... We were on the way to a convenience store and happened to hear a loud bang coming from the alleyway, so we checked it out."

"Hm..." Jisung hummed as he looked out of the window once again. "Do you take care of the garden or do you hire people to do it?"

"I normally take care of it when I'm free but yeah, we do have people watching over the flower when I'm gone." Jisung hummed as he got distracted by the flowers below, eyes shining while he watched.


Word Count : 1059

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