💙🖤💚-Chapter 4: Sleepover-💚🖤💙

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I finally took control of the body, looking around. I sighed and looked at my arm, seeing marks.

Seems like the markings stay, but the clothing doesn't...at least with knives... I'm sorry... it's fine...just think before you do this, Moony... I couldn't...I was scared... I know...

I sighed and grabbed some more wrap, wrapping my arm up. It wasn't bleeding like Moon, it was just scarred. I walked out to the couch and sat down, pulling out our phone and opening the contacts app. I then clicked on Freddy's and called him, putting the ringing phone up to my ear.
F= Freddy
S= Sun
F: "Hello?"
S: "Hey, Freddy..."
F: "Oh! Hey Sun! What's up?"
S: "I was wondering if we could have a sleepover at your place tonight?"
F: "We?"
S: "Me and Moony."
F: "Oh! I...I'm sorry Sun...but I'm afraid you can't...I'm having a movie night with just Gregory right now...we haven't done any father son bonding time in a while."
S: "Oh...I see...well...have fun!"

And with that I hung up. I sighed and clicked off Freddy's contact. I then scrolled down to Chica's and clicked on it, calling her and putting the ringing phone up to my ear again. Hopefully it's a yes this time.

C= Chica
S= Sun
C: "Hello?"
S: "Hey..."
C: "Oh! Hello, Sunny! What's wrong? You sound sad..."
S: "I just...am feeling down tonight...can me and a Moony sleep at your place tonight?"
C: "Sure thing! I don't mind! I will be having guest over soon though!"
S: "Thanks...who's coming over?"
C: "Roxanne and maybe Monty!"
S: "Oh...alright...well...is there anyway you can pick us up, I don't trust myself driving at the current moment..."
C: "Of course! I'll be right there! Bai!"
S: "Bye..."

I hung up, smiling.

Should I pack a bag. Probably...bring...stuff... oh! Right...it's almost that time of the month...I thought we got it easy being non-gendered...why do we still have to deal with this? No idea. The world hates us clearly. Mhm...

I sighed and stood back up, walking to our room and grabbing a backpack that was laying on the floor. I opened it up and stuffed in our phone, charger, headphones, and other stuff.

Don't forget my blanket! If you do I will kill you. Okay, okay! Jeez...

I snickered and grabbed Moon's favorite blanket. It was blue with stars on it, though it was also really space-like. Not just stars. I placed it in the bag and walked over to the closet.

You think she'd let us stay for the 3 days? This is Chica, the answer is always yes. Right...

I picked out some clothes and placed them in the bag. The bag was now really full. I closed it and opened a smaller pocket. I then walked to the bathroom and grabbed some wraps, small bandaids, and hygiene. Then it was ready. I sealed up the bag and heard a honk outside.

That's our queue. Yep!

I walked out to the front door and opened it, walking outside.

Lock the door. Why? Robbers dumbass. Right-

I turned around and closed the door, locking it. I then walked towards Chica's car. "Come sit up front! We will listen to music while I drive home!" She said as her window was rolled down. I nodded, walking over to that side of the car. I opened the door and got it. "So...what happened?" She asked as I shut the door, not bothering to get buckled since her house wasn't far from here. "Nothing much...just...stressed..."

"How come?" She asked. I sighed. "Me and Moon had a fight with one of the kids mothers today at the daycare..." I explained. Chica looked worried. "Awe...are you two okay?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah...we just...need a 3 day break to get distressed...the manager agreed." Chica smiled. "That's good! Well...are you ready?" She asked. I nodded. "Got all your stuff?" She asked. I nodded. She then smiled, starting to drive. "I'm surprised Moon didn't switch out with the darkness." Chica spoke. "We had house lights on, and your car lights are on. It's enough to keep him inside." I explained. She nodded. "Music?" She asked. I nodded. "Sure." Chica then started blaring music. I smiled and laid back in the seat, relaxing.

We finally got to the house a few minutes later. Chica parked her car and then got out, me doing the same. It was hard to keep control since her house lights were dimmer then mine, but I managed. I walked inside her house with her, looking around. I've actually never been to her house before. "You hungry?" She asked. I nodded. "A little..."

"Good! Because pizza is on its way! They should get here by then!" Chica said, smiling. I nodded. Then suddenly, the doorbell rung. I looked over there, alerted.

Sun. Room. Now. Why? I don't wanna deal with, Montgomery. Okay...

I then started walking to a room. I didn't know this house at all so it was confusing. That was until... "Hey there, Sunny~"

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