💔💚💙-Chapter 9: The Park-💙💚💔

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Moon POV

I looked over to the three, not letting my guard down for a moment. Chica looked over to me. "You okay? Why'd you turn off the lights?" She asked, confused. I sighed. "Sun got triggered." I said. Chica pouted. "Awe! Are they okay?" She asked. I nodded. "Yep...their fine..." I said, smiling slightly. That smile quickly faded when I saw Monty walking into the house more. I growled, quiet enough so no one could hear. He walked closer to me and smirked. "What's up shortie~?" He asked, teasing me. I glared at him. "Fuck off, Monty." I growled, walking away from him and over to the stairs. He growled, and glared at me. "Hey! Love birds! How about you two come with us to the park!" Roxy suggested, a teasing smirk on her face. I made a gagging face and flipped her off. Monty didn't even react, he just stared at me. I sighed.

You wanna go to the park, Sunny? YES! Okay, okay, jeez... Sorry!

I looked over to Chica and Roxy, nodding. "Sure. Me and Sun will go." I said. Monty immediately said, "Me too." I walked away from him, uncomfortable. "Okay then! Let's go!" Said, Chica, excitedly.

At The Park

I took in a deep breath of the fresh air. It was a beautiful day out today. Not to hot. Not to cold. It was just right. Chica smiled, looking over to me. "I'm going to hang with Roxy on the swings! You can do whatever." She said, running off to the swings where Roxanne was already seated. I smiled, nodding. I looked around and saw a bench.

Today would be a nice day to just relax and breathe. Yeah...perhaps we should do that? Mhm!

I walked over to the bench, sitting down and laying back, looking up the clouds in the beautiful blue sky. I smiled, relaxing into my sweet peaceful thoughts. That was until I felt someone nudge me on the shoulder. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over, seeing, Monty. He glared down at me. "What do you want?" I asked, annoyed. He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me off of the bench. "Come." He snarled, dragging me with him as he walked along the trail in the woods by the park. I narrowed my eyes. "Excuse you! I can walk just fine by myself thank you very much!" I said, irritated. He rolled his eyes, ignoring me.

We stopped in the middle of the trail. I looked around, seeing a bunny. "Awe! A bunny!" I said, pointing to it. Monty flipped it off. "HEY!?" I yelled, annoyed with his attitude. He turned around to face me and yank my arm up to his face. "You never did show me what was underneath these wraps." He said with a smirk. I widened my eyes, growling and trying to fight him.


I groaned in defeat, glaring up at him. He begun to slowly take the wraps off as I looked down at the ground, worried. I heard him make a small gasp noise as he gripped on harder to my arm. I winced in pain. It may only be the marking from Moon's gashes, but it still hurt a bit. "What the fuck are these?!" He asked in a growl, yanking me forward. I ignored him. He then used his other hand to pull my chin up to look at him. I quickly averted my eyes to the side, avoiding eye contact. "Either you tell me what these are, or I will kill that bunny and make you hold its dead body." He growled. I whimpered, looking at him. "O-okay! I-it's just knife wounds! Nothing bad..."

"NOTHING BAD?! DUMBASS YOU COULD'VE DIED!? WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" He snapped. I was shocked by the worried tone in his voice.

Does he...care...? No. He's too cruel to care about something like this.

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't die though."

"BUT YOU VERY WELL COULD'VE, AND BOTH YOU AND MOON KNOW DAMN WELL OF THAT!?" He shouted. "Why do you even care? You don't give a damn about us." I said, glaring at him, tears in my eyes. Monty sighed, letting go of my arm. I looked to the side, avoiding his eye contact. "Who else knows...?" He asked. "Chica, and now you. So you better keep your gator mouth shut." I said. He stayed silent. "Let's just go back." He said, beginning to walk away. I sighed and followed behind him, looking at the ground.

Why...did it sound like he was truly worried about us....? Because he's manipulative. Moony...that's not nice... It's true though. Still! Not nice. Whatever...just go back... Okay...

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