💔❤️‍🔥💚💙-Chapter 20: Confession-💙💚❤️‍🔥💔

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(Mentions of self harm)


I sat on the couch next to Monty, awkwardly. I fiddled with my fingers as he watched tv. I'm not sure what show he was watching, but it seemed to have a lot of strong language and adult scenes in it, which made me a bit uncomfortable. Monty yawned a little laying his head back. I felt my face immediately get heated up as I looked to the side.

He just yawned- IT WAS HOT- A YAWN-? YES!

I ignored the rest of what Moon said after that, just trying to focus on life at the current moment. "So...how have you two been doing?" Monty asked, pausing the tv show. I tilted my head, looking at him. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Y'know- with the...cutting?" He mumbled. I sighed, shrugging. "Eh, we are trying to do better...but it's been getting...worse at times..."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Moon...can I tell him...? Sure...just...if he starts to act weird, stop. Alright!

I looked to the floor, still fiddling with my fingers. "Well...Moon had another episode a few days ago...I think it was Friday night...they locked ourselves in the bathroom and...Y'know..." I mumbled. Monty sighed. "I see...is it a moon who's responsible for all the cutting?" He asked. I looked to him. "Oh, right! I haven't told you the whole reasoning behind it all, have I?" I asked. He shook his head. "No, but you don't have to if it bothers you." He said. I nodded. "It's fine, we'll be okay..." I said with a slight smile. He nodded. I sighed. "So...basically...it all started about a week ago. Moon has been having bad thoughts that I just recently found out about. I'm not sure how they kept it a secret for so long, especially from me, but they did. Anyways, the thoughts caused them to have an episode and start relieving stress by...y'know. So that's the reason we are currently staying at Chica's place right now...and Friday night they had another episode, so I don't think we're leaving her house for a while except to come here to hang with you..." I explained. Monty nodded, sighing. "I'm sorry to hear that...do you have any idea what's causing these thoughts?" He asked. I shook my head. "Not really...maybe stress and anxiety? But I'm not sure..." I mumbled. He nodded. "Alright...are you two doing alright right now?"

"Yeah...we are fine currently...I've noticed it mostly happens at nighttime hours only when Moon is out." I said. Monty nodded. "Alright. Well...let's try to get our minds off of that touchy subject...are you hungry?" He asked, standing up. I raised a brow. "You magically cook now?" I asked, snickering a little. "Oh! No! Not at all! You see...that's why I have a microwave and an air fryer." He said, walking into the kitchen. "What do you have?" I asked. Monty opened the freezer, looking in it. "I know Roxy just picked up some groceries recently...we got chicken, fries, sandwiches, pasta, what would you like?" He asked.

Moon? Mmmm...I don't care...

"We don't care, you can pick!" I said, smiling. He nodded, grabbing out some food and popping it in the air fryer. He turned it on and waited.

After Lunch

I smiled, finishing eating. It seemed like we had no issues at all in front of Monty which was nice.

Damn- he's hot, he smells nice, and we can eat in front of him? He's a keeper- Moon- really? Yep.

I rolled my eyes, snickering a little under my breath. Monty cleaned up our plates, setting them on the counter. "I'll clean that up later." He mumbled, walking over to the couch. I walked over to the couch and sat down beside him, smiling a little.

I looked over to Monty, kinda zoning out. He stared at me, concerned. "You good there, Sunny?" He asked. I snapped out of it, smiling as my face heated up, embarrassed. "O-Oh! Yeah! I'm good..." I mumbled. He nodded, looking at the blank tv screen. I smiled nervously and looked at the ground.

Scoot closer to him. W-What?! Are you sure...? Yep. Just trust me. ^^ Alright...

I hesitantly scooted closer to Monty, not realizing how close I already was. My leg touched his as I jumped, startled and nervous. Monty snickered, placing an arm around my shoulder. I could feel his body warming up.

I-Is he nervous as well...? Looks like it...QUICK! MAKE THE FIRST MOVE! W-What?! First move how?! ConfessB-But what if they don't like us back...? Then we cry together.

I sighed, looking up at Monty. He looked down at me, our eyes making contact. I felt my face heat up a lot as I stared into his ruby red eyes. He placed a hand on my cheek, seeming hesitant. I heard Moon squeal, clearly simping, though they wouldn't admit it. Montt stared at me for a few moments before stopping, looking to the side to break eye contact. He took his hand off of my cheek, smiling and chuckling nervously. "So...Uhm...h-how are you feeling right now...?" He asked, looking at me again. I smiled nervously. "I uhhhhh..." I couldn't seem to answer that question. Then suddenly something hit me, I felt the urge to ask something I may or may not regret. "Do you...like anyone...?" I asked. Monty raised a brow.


Monty stared at me for a few moments, not responding,that was until he said, "Yes...". I tilted my head. "Who?" I asked. He looked away from me, his face clearly red from heat. I kept staring at him, not daring to look away. "I like...y-.." He muttered the last part very quietly. I raised a brow. "W-What was that?" I asked. He played with his hands nervously. "I-I like...y-..." He again, muttered the last part so that I couldn't hear it. "S-Speak up." I said, trying not to sound rude. Monty clenched his fist a little, looking back at me. "Fine! I like you!" He said. I felt my face start to heat up more as soon as he said that. "W-What...?" Monty looked away, embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry...who am I kidding...you probably don't even feel the same way about me-" I cut him off by laying a kiss on his lips. He widened his eyes, staring at me as I did so. I separated from it, looking into his eyes. "I-...we...like you too." I said, smiling. Monty smiled, pulling me into another kiss, this time it felt very romantic. I closed my eyes, sinking into the kiss, wrapping my arms around him.


I snickered at Moon's words. Monty tilted his head, confused "what's up?" He asked. I smiled. "O-Oh! It's nothing...just...Moon said something..." I mumbled. He nodded. "Alright...wanna cuddle?" He asked. I nodded. He then pulled me closer to him, grabbed a blanket that was on the floor and pulling it on top of us. I smiled, nuzzling into his chest as he laid on the couch. "I love you my sunshine..."

"I love you too, Gator..."

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