New Eyes

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A whirlwind of emotions overtook me in a singular moment: pain, confusion, hurt, agony, sadness. Anger and sadness were the largest of the emotions - an overwhelming feeling. Clinging to life, I could feel myself being forcibly pushed into the metal spines of an animatronic suit. Then, all of a sudden, I heard a loud snap and everything went silent for a moment. 

It was only for a short moment, but it released me from all the pain I had felt. The only feeling left was a ringing I felt as the remaining blood left my body. I had no eyes anymore, yet I could somehow look forward and see a crying puppet-- its presence was chilling yet comforting. After our eyes met, I could feel myself seemingly being lifted until my sense of life was restored.

I could touch and see and experience, but my eyes or hands were no longer my own. I was purple.

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